i would check with the school you want to attend. there are some private schools that will not even let DACA approved applicants apply. so check the schools requirements and when asking the school, just say you that have a valid SSN and have legal presence in the US. also if asked if you have a student visa, say no and that you do not need one. another good idea, would be to talk to an actual admissions rep because usually the first person you talk to in the admissions office will not have a lot of knowledge about DACA. talking to an admissions rep will let you get more information from a better source. talking to a financial aid rep too would be a good idea because as DACA applicants we can not receive funds from FAFSA. if even a school ask you to fill one out, that is ok, because a lot of the times, what will happen is that FAFSA will send a letter saying you are not eligible for FAFSA because of your status but this will allow the school to find other financial aid options for you.
if you are in CA, you qualify for in state tuition if you attended a CA high school and graduated from a CA high school. the CA Dream Act allows undocumented student to apply for financial aid.