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Everything posted by Admin

  1. Welcome to the forums queenb79 :)

  2. Welcome to the forums laloblancoblog :)

  3. I just wannt point out that we will be able to apply for the deferred action application as well as the work permit. I don't mean to bragggggg. But I did call that out before and people were disagreeing.
  4. Welcome to the forums Polettt :)

  5. Welcome to the forums vivi5m :)

  6. Welcome to the forums elymar :)

  7. Welcome to the forums Ligia :)

  8. Welcome to the forums mainan :)

  9. Welcome to the forums BJ69 :)

  10. Welcome to the forums domodreamer :)

  11. Welcome to the forums isla :)

  12. Welcome to the forums Mayraz :)

  13. traffict tickets?

    That is a difficult sictuation because its been so long. I would assume that the older ones would have expired by now. Check and see if they count as a misdomeaner and let us know so we can help a bit more. I would also consult with a lawyer and get to the bottom of this right away.
  14. Welcome to the forums monie123 :)

  15. Welcome to the forums lifeusa :)

  16. Welcome to the forums perlag :)

  17. Welcome to the forums LUIS :)

  18. Welcome to the forums carlosdepaz :)

  19. Welcome to the forums margarita :)

  20. Welcome to the forums Jocelyn :)

  21. Welcome to the forums DreamTeam :)

  22. Welcome to the forums banon :)

  23. Waiting for new information coming August 1st!

  24. Smoking Cigarettes

    You guys really make a lot of sense. I for one just don't like cigarettes. I've tried it and can't see myself spending money on it.