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Everything posted by Luna

  1. Hello guys I cant help but to think that there must be something that it is delaying my approval I would like to know a little more about your background history, that is if you have been waiting for your approval since September maybe we can connect the dots and try to figure out something. Here is a little about my background ! I'm 28 yrs old Arrived here when i was 13 went back to Mexico when i was 17, on August 2001 return the US when i was 18, on January 2002 was caught at the border :/ they took my fingerprints was sent back to Mexico "my lawyers said it was not a big deal since i was never charged for it " I have never been in trouble with the law Graduated college and thats pretty much it O_o
  2. 1- You will be asked to show your appointment and an identification with it, also they will make sure your phone is off. 2- They will give you a paper where they ask you general questions about yourself whats your name ? address ?whats your height ? weight ? eye color? race ? phone number? birth date ? etc etc 3- On that same paper it will ask for you applications "numbers" and your "Alien number" the picture below below shows where to locate this numbers in Red are the "application numbers" make sure you write down both of them and in Blue is your "Alien Number" yes people we are from out of space 4- once you are done filing out your paper work you will be sent to another desk, they will ask again for your identification and both papers, the one you filed out and the biometric appointment i know i know.... On that same desk they will ask to see your hands front and back. They will return your biometrics appointment with a number attached to it, and a red stamp . 5- Next they will send you to a waiting area try to relax on this step, they will call your number the one attached to the paper, once you are called they will clean your hands with water and take your fingerprints, after that you will be asked to sit down to take your picture and if the person who is taking your picture is nice they will let you retake it again if you don't like it after that you have to to sign on a electronic pad its impossible to get it nice so don't waste your time i tried it 5 times till i gave up once you are done with everything they will verify your information that they have on the system. final step they will write on that red stamp the date and something else that I'm not sure of 6- Ohhh and before you leave they will ask to fill out a questionary on how was the service thats pretty much it , good luck everyone !!!!! sorry if i missed anything i was on a hurry writing this!
  3. Has anyone placed both requests ??? I wonder if I should do an E-request now :/ I was thinking that maybe supervisors are not aware of what's going on with August Applicants :/ I don't know what to think anymore.... Snif
  4. Service Request

    i finally called USCIS and made a service request yesterday, the first time i called i spoke to a spanish speaking officer :/ i asked him if i could put a service request because i have been waiting for over 6 months now, he said he couldn't make a service request since the offices now are taking longer than 6 months to process the applications i was pretty disappointed and frustrated I decided to call back but this time i spoke to someone in english, as soon as she picked up the phone she was pretty rude to me "poor me" Me:" Hi i was wondering if i can place a service request on a pending case?" Officer: why ? so i thought i have to change tactics here and be very polite to this frustrated officer who probably gets thousand of phone calls every day" Me : "OH because i been waiting for over 6 months now, and i was wondering if there is a way i can find out about the current status of my case since i haven't received anything form the Vermont Processing center since september" Officer: "give me your receipt number" i gave her my receipt # and she goes like "wait a minute" she still sounded rude :/ Than i noticed that she did not put me on hold, i started making conversation to her about how was her job O_O that i cant imagine how many phone calls she must get a day etc etc etc, after that her attitude totally changed and she was talking and talking asking about the weather here in Jersey and how hot is in Texas etc etc O_o finally she made the service request and she said i should be getting a letter by March 16 My point here is that all this officer are swamped with phone-calls every single day, they probably get tired and frustrated too, and some dreamers are just calling for the silliest things, i have been looking at other blogs and people are even calling them after a month of their biometrics, we have to be patient and really nice and polite when calling them, we can't demand something just because its overdue Next time someone call just remember to put on your best act and be super polite and if they still say no for whatever reason call again : ) Good luck to everyone who still waiting since August and September. i will be keep you guys updated on my status or if i receive any kind of letter from them !
  5. Aim High!

    Wow Amor that's very encouraging!! I will definitely email you, I'm having some trouble
  6. Update on my case, I finally received my EAD Last wenesday ! :)

  7. I'm sure we can all relate to his story can you please sign the petition Maybe one day one of us might need his services or may find our selves in similar situations where our dream was taken away !!!! We can all help please share the link and sign it thank you!

  8. So I'm Dacamented without an EAD -_- basically I can't do anything since the post office lost my document, an Investigation was done but nothing was found and no one is assuming responsibility I have to file for a replacement and pay again $465 the waiting game starts once again !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peedur


      Wow. I am so sorry to hear this. There has to be something they can do. This isn't even your fault! Smh.

    3. Heisenberg2
    4. miguel2013



  9. CALL your senator and ask that they support S.744 tomorrow !!!!!!!!!! 866-834-8040

    1. hunninutz


      what exactly is tomorrow?? isnt the vote already 67-25 i think

    2. JoseG


      That vote was to end debate on the bill. The final vote to pass the bill in the Senate will be on Friday.

  10. So, I have to re apply again for the work permit and pay again because the stupid post office and mail man lost my working permit -___- the waiting game starts again ...... So so so so disappointed :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aled


      I can't even imagine how you must feel about the whole situation. I am sorry this has happened.

    3. Baby23


      Hey Luna, the same happend to my cousin. We went to the same lawyer, and she explain what happpend but she still had to pay. She was told it might not be long though since you both been approve before. Our lawyer told her to file a police report since it was very personal documents. She did file one and sent it in with the application. Uscis might think you just want another EAD. But your case actually shows it wasn't deliverd and her said it had been delivered. Good luck ill keep you up...

    4. Luna


      Thank you guys yes I will file a police report !

  11. After waiting over 9 months to be approved the post office and the mailman doesn't know where my envelope is the one containing my working permit DAMN IT!!! Fml what the hell !!! If you guys don't hear anything from me someday it means I been struck by lightning -_- I can't believe this....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Luna


      Jose it only says delivery status not updated !!! Thanks guys !! Hopefully it's somewhere :/

    3. Rawf


      It's another wall on the way Luna, you are approved and that is what matter the most now :)

    4. Rawf


      Do you have a tracking number?

  12. What a way to end my Vacation!!!! I finally got approved app sent August 17 bios sep 28 Vermont service center !!!! Thank you GOD for your blessings !!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Santi



      Told ya!

    3. Luna


      Thank you guys !!!! :) yes it was a long wait but worth it :)

    4. misaelfromnc


      i feel ya luna i got approved too!! yay for us lol

  13. Going on a vacation to relax and disconnect hopefully when i come back I will be approved :D good luck to everyone who are still waiting !!!

    1. marco12


      have a fun and safe trip!

    2. EnJR


      Have a good one! and good luck, hopefully you'll get approved soon

    3. Luna


      Thank you guys !!

  14. About 2 Hours Ago...

    Congratulations !!!!!!
  15. For anyone who contacted their congressman can you please inboxeme and give me any more details ?? Thank you I appreciated it !!!

    1. Heisenberg2


      hope you get approved soon, moon :)

    2. Luna


      Thanks heisenberg I hope so too ;)

    3. StephenB3


      Would also appreciate if you could send me any info you get been looking to see what people sent.

  16. So I went to h&m to exchange something and this young African-American asked me for my I'd, but since I haven't been approved I had to show him my matricula and he goes "Mexico" ? "Why you all here" ? -___- what da faaaak I felt like hulk at that moment €#^^{£{€{>

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Calidreamer


      Luna, I so would had said something back, but you are right, his time will come "Se escribe Karma' Y Se Pronuncia, 'Andele Que Bueno Por Culero' Please excuse my language, but this really gets to me! It happened to Sephora, I returned something using my passport, and the lady was like "why don't you have a D/L, I can't take this" I just said "this has never been a problem before, would you like me to call Corp?" problem solved

    3. kayej87


      Try dealing with it at your job...been working there officially two month in the office and had to complain about three ppl already the CEO had to tell them she might have her papers but she would get a promotion before any of you cuz she puts more work lesson is I ignore the BS cuz no matter weather its my skin color (black) or my status ppl gonna still give me BS

    4. Luna


      Right kayle i agree, it upsets me that knowing they have been mistreated and discriminated against, knowing how it feels and they still have the audacity to discriminates against other people !!!

  17. 7 Or 8 Month Club..from Vermont?

    Santoooooooo you never fail on making us smile or at least me hehehe ^_-
  18. 7 Or 8 Month Club..from Vermont?

    164 since my app was received and 141 since my biometrics -____-
  19. Thinking if I should call USCIS again :/ it annoys me to hear the same response huuuuum

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aled



    3. Santi



    4. Luna


      PPPPPFFFFFF you guys >__< LOL

  20. Im New To This Forum

    Welcome !!!! be patient and good Luck !!!!!!
  21. Help Please

    Congratulations !!!!! While you are pregnant you should try to go to school, it dosen't have to be full time and you can always take online courses or find a job that is not too stressful for you and the baby, I think your priority should be on the fact that you are going to be a mother now I'm sure jobs will come later on but mean while I recommend doing something productive because you do have to re apply for your work permit in two years o_O I'm not sure if they will be looking into what have you done after you got your permit :S
  22. Watch "The Dream is Now" on MSNBC at 4:00 pm !!

    1. franklin.m


      what did they sayyy????