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Everything posted by Luna

  1. How Long Have You Been Waiting

    I have tried everything already all you can do is wait for the approval !!! My case was never transferred :/
  2. How Long Have You Been Waiting

    I have tried everything already all you can do is wait for the approval !!! My case was never transferred :/
  3. i wont cry of desperation and disappointment i'm sure my approval will come soon !!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mee


      Luna what service center is your application at. I will be 8 months like you on the 28th.

    3. Luna


      @mee Vermont service center !!!

    4. GcG


      Tbh I'd be going crazy waiting as long as you have for an approval stay positive it'll be soon now!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Please sing the Petition and watch the video

    1. Aled


      I won't sing the petition, but I'll check it out and sign it. lol

    2. ツ alejandriiukz ㋡

      ツ alejandriiukz ㋡

      Did you upload a picture?

    3. Luna


      @Aled lol ooops misspelled >_< thanks @splif @Bum I did :D

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  5. :''( Why God??

    I'm so sorry... I agree with Santo here, if you feel like they made a mistake once you receive the document stating why you have been denied you can give them a call... please let us know how everything goes i don't want to give you the wrong information because at this point i think all Attorneys are idiots but mine told me you can re-apply for deferred action again, assuming that you meet all the requirements and that you have a clear background :/ don't loose hope
  6. Soooooooo I'm running out of money can't keep buying shoes -_- where's my approval ?? Snif I need to find another way to release stress !!!!

    1. Rawf


      You can always bake and sell stuff ;)

    2. Meow


      buy sandals? lol @ santi

    3. Luna


      Lol u guys r so funny :P

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. I keep seeing status about level 2 officers ?? Can you just call and ask for them ?

    1. skootA


      if i was you i would just wait..

      they would give u a harder time if keep calling dem... just keep checking online

    2. taramo35


      I say call and pressure them . I was able to make 2 service request.

    3. Mee


      I called but got the same answer. But question is initial review and pending the same thing?

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Today I received an answer to the service request I placed -_- it's says to. +{*{*]*\£\•~¥¥\€\>>{€%#*%#@ wait another ¥}€#%#€@(&&@@%# 60 day VERMONT go to @&$@#%^*#+## :'( going on 7 months soon !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. taramo35


      i got the letter the next week and they said 15 days... ugh they dont even know

    3. Karry Perez

      Karry Perez

      I'm guessing that's what my service request letter is gonna say -_____- ugh

    4. silvazquez27


      Sorry to hear that :( Hope things start moving quickly for you, for the sake of your sanity. Good luck, stay positive and things will happen when you least expect them :)

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  9. Other Forum Dilemmas & Warnings

    You are distracting everyone from the purpose of this forum I don't care if there are undercover agents out there or here >_< as I said it last night I will gladly open the door to them o_O Now can we just move on ????? Gosh I'm so tired of this topic and drama already :/
  10. I Know Why We Waiting Longer!

    If that was the case I would have been approved already :'( stupid Vermont O_o
  11. How Long Vermont!?!?!

    @Amor you haven't called ??? I called on Monday they said to call back next week maybe they will be able to help :/ Unless the officer lied to me :'(
  12. Hello Everyone!

    Hi Jose welcome to the forum !!! I have been in initial review since Aug 27 >_< my bios were on sep 28, same as yours keeps us updated on you status.
  13. So I finally called USCIS -_- they told me to call back next Thursday because it will be 6 months since I filed my application and they will be able to find what's causing the delay o_o

    1. Luna


      Yes Wendy starts from the moment they received your application but that's for the I-821 only, for the work authorization is 90 days after you have been approved for DACA ! Thanks Aled <3

    2. taramo35


      Good luck girl

    3. Jose_Gee


      Hope you get an answer soon! Let me know how your conversation with USCIS went. I'm planning to call since I'm almost at my 6 months.

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  14. How Did You Find

    I yahooed o_O DACA and that's how I found this site !!! and glad I stayed I found a lot of good friends here and someone very special too ^^
  15. I guess I'm going to keep buying shoes until I get approved o_O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gezinha


      im doing the, purses, dresses, i didnt have time to do that before when i was working, i was drained to even go out that im waiting to get approved im enjoying spending some savings to make myself feel a little better. God knows i needed an upgrade on my clothes! haha

    3. msminci


      @ luna: lol your funny! Btwi just found the lolas shotique site and they have the cutest heels!

    4. msminci


      @gezinha: i definitely need an upgrade on my clothing ! Lol

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  16. Bleeeeh I'll be hit with an RFE I can feel it -__- but why the hell are you taking so long ??????
  17. Bleeeeeh again ! -_-

    1. Cochoz


      what? what?? what??? ♥♥♥

  18. Did my bios September 28 what's everyone's last name ? Age ? Any possible misdemeanor ? Stupid Vermont o_O I found this !! Why some immigration applications get delayed at the USCIS? I am sorry to hear what you are going through but let me put some facts out for you so that you can better understand your situation. Here are a few scenarios for DREAMers whose applications are taking too long to be processed by USCIS: --> People who filed their application from states which have significant illegal immigrant populations, for instance, California, Texas, Arizona, etc. are being sent to service centers that are swamped. Your case was not straightforward. The way the process works in the USCIS is that an officer will conduct an initial review of your application package and if the application is filed correctly, if all the evidence is as needed, if you meet all the eligibility requirements with no gray areas, and if all comes clear in your background search, you will be approved almost immediately (that is why thousands of DREAMers were pleasantly surprised to find that they sailed through the process). On the other hand, if there is even a small problem in any of the things above, you can imagine what happens in that situation: it gets routed to another officer or to a superior or they request more information from you or assign another experienced officer to investigate further. That can delay things a lot depending on each case. Either you have a problem with your criminal history or you are one of those unfortunate individuals whose name and other personal information seems to match a criminal (which might trigger an extended security review). In that case, the agency has to conduct additional research before approval. That process can be awfully slow if paperwork is sent out to local law enforcement departments. You failed to disclose something that the USCIS knows about. For instance, many DREAMers were not even aware that they had deportation orders issued against them because their family members never bothered to tell them or they never understood what was happening to their cases (non-English speakers often do not fully understand the process of immigration cases and often rely on incompetent attorneys or may not even have a counsel). So while you might think that your case is simple, the USCIS may not think so. You deliberately lied on your application assuming that USCIS may never find out about it or you did not realize how serious it was or you simply forgot about it (if you were fingerprinted at a police station for a fight between students at school or for shoplifting and then let go because you were a teenager you may not think that it is a big deal but it will completely mess up your application). I don't know what applies to you but please be patient. If your application has not been rejected nor have you received a request for evidence (RFE) you just will need to wait. In the meantime, you can also call the USCIS to ask a customer service agent about the status of your application and they can give you more information than what you will be able to get by just checking your application status online. Remember that typical immigration processes are painfully slow (even for legal immigrants) and some people wait for years for their cases to be resolved. DACA is moving forward pretty fast actually. Try to keep your self busy :/ no news still "good news" I'm buying a camera soon that should keep me busy taking pictures about anything and everything since I cannot even get a job now >_<
  19. Hi I'm Armando

    Welcome to the forum Armando!!
  20. Music Sharing

    let me share one of my favorite bands
  21. Divoced! How To ? In California

    I wish you both girls good luck !!! And taramo well said " to love and be loved its the most beautiful feeling I have experienced " !!!! Sorry things don't work out sometimes, I feel like I'm in a similar situation with the exception that I'm not married But we are both aware on what's coming next and I think we are ok with it :/ it wasn't the lack of love, sometimes people just want different things in life and there is nothing wrong with that But you should definitely seek some advise from someone who knows about this matter !