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Everything posted by Luna

  1. Yes you bring up a good point ^__^ maybe depends on the offices O I thought that all biometrics app looked the same I guess that makes sense now thx
  2. Hi Jose well see im not sure about that because actually i was advised by one of the staff there to include both of the Application numbers, also when i hand in my biometrics paper to the person who was going to take my fingerprints he scanned both of the bars all the way at the bottom so im not certain about this.... why would he scanned the two bars at the bottom ? dunno huum if anyone know anything can you please clarify this thanks see the two codes at the bottom ? are for both applications
  3. Sunshine no se por que ellos escribieron ahí... pero cuantos numeros son ? yo vi en otros sitios y pues no, no encuentro nada similar ! mandame le foto si puedes si tienes voxer buscame luna.ztars
  4. Your Welcome Rawf, i tried my best on the details but at least people get an ideat on what to expect, and hopefully feel less anxious about doing their biometrics
  5. Finally Tomorrow is my biometrics Appointment.... feeling a little anxious but confident lol sounds like im going to war or something ^_^ wish me good luck :D

    1. Luna


      thank you everyone ^_^ will let you know all the details which you probably already know but still :P

    2. Bee1989


      goodluck Luna. Gangnam style

    3. Luna


      Haha Bee thank you ! ^_^ <3

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  6. Let's Have a Cash Competition?

    Hahaha that would be so much Fun ^__^ !
  7. Let's Have a Cash Competition?

    i will only dance gangman style if Bee does lol i just realized its" gangnam style " oopps
  8. We going to dance gangman style :D

    1. Bee1989



  9. Let's Have a Cash Competition?

    gangman style sounds good to me bee is going to dance w/ me
  10. Huuum..... wondering if i should do a walk in for the biometrics !!!! >.<

    1. Aled


      I'm going to do it this monday, sad I can't wait two more days...

    2. Luna


      hahaha i still don't know what to do... i got my biometrics for friday... besides people on this town are pretty rude dont want to be yelled at :o i been waiting this long a few more days won't kill me.... will see if i get the courage to do it :D ...... Aled good luck :D !!!! tell he how it goes

    3. Rawf


      Give it a try.

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  11. my first car huuummm ...... i think an Acura or Nisan... that is if I'm able to go behind the wheel without getting panic attack O_o...
  12. Keep Track of DACA Process

    hum cant update my signature help ? hey can you help ? every time i try to update my signature there are bunch of codes