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Everything posted by Luna

  1. Welcome to the forum Roxy !!!
  2. Sooo no news yet :/ but I Finally got new glasses O_o i can see clearly, ready to take my DL test :P !!!! bleeehhh wua wua wuaaaaaa O_o

  3. Have a nice Week everyone ! and hopefully we will see more approvals :)

    1. Cochoz


      Starting with you Noona!

  4. Jose Congratulations !!!!!!!!! @Amor i totally agree with you !!! no more dead lines -__- we will eventually get approved so i decided to read books @_@
  5. Vermont Center

  6. Thanks everyone for your replies regarding the situation back in 02 when i was caught at the border i already mentioned that i consulted with an immigration lawyer and he said that the incident happened more than 10 years ago and the record won't affect my case but it might still show up on my background. Out of all the dreamers I'm sure I'm not the only one who is in this kind of a situation and i think USCIS is well aware of that At this point I'm waiting patiently thinking that my application was sent to a different desk for an extensive review i guess no news still "Good News" if that makes any sense
  7. seems like da new trend is to talk like "dis" so i gave it a try O_o still waitin for da approval i think im gunna go crzy..... hopefully i will get da approval bfore xmas !! dat will b awesome :D

    1. Admin


      its the internet.

    2. pswa83


      and people wonder why the United States is SOOOOOO far behind the rest of the world in education!!

    3. REPutation
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. DACA Process [Timelines]

    same here -__- i'm sure we are getting closer !
  9. Thank you , so far i been doing pretty good in not worrying too much BUT i need to go back to school in January the approval will really help !! need to drive and a car !
  10. Wendy, yes i was sent back to Mexico, but i was never charged for anything my lawyer said they usually dismiss those cases who knows RR I stayed 5 months due to my grandmother illness ! Sanches thank you I just want to know about the others and see if they have anything on their background that might be affecting them as well.
  11. Working Days Calculator

    According to this i have waited 36 working days !!!!! i seriously don't care anymore if i get approved this month or the other :/ as long as i get approved before the new year i'll be happy I have noticed that reading everyone's else status makes me really anxious and impatient I will try to disconnect for a little and see if that helps Have a nice weekend everyone !!! and good luck to everyone else who are still waiting Try to read an interesting book change your negativity into positive thoughts i recommend this book called "The Power by Rhonda Byrne" it is fantastic, try to keep your mind busy.
  12. hi:P

    1. Sinae


      You are all of a sudden "unknown" on my kakao?!?!

  13. ^^

    1. Bee1989


      hope you're okay with the storm and stuff. stay safe

  14. I ❤ ☆'s and ♫.... waiting patiently ^__^

  15. Some Arcade Competition?

    Call of duty sounds good !!! but not everyone has ps.. it would have to be a game online !
  16. Waaww Thanks for sharing your story with us Santiago, it seems to me that you have never gave up on your dreams and that is something to admire. Life here is not easy without a status but is not impossible ether ^^ i wish that you get your approval very soon to continue your career. You truly deserve this opportunity. we all do good luck
  17. I agree with Itzel, my application was sent to Vermont and by looking at the approvals so far they have only approved people who got their biometrics done from the 10th and 20th of september. I got my biometrics done on Sep 28 so i estimate my approval will be sometime next Month around the 15 regardless of time we should keep a positive attitude because we are getting approved , so lets just forget about it till next month and stop worrying it is not healthy for the mind or body
  18. where are you ? i miss you my love! <3

  19. Seems like Vermont facility is taking longer to process the applications than before, ohh well have to keep my self busy so i don't get impatient :)

    1. itzel


      I know its easy to tell you to relax and be patient, but theres really nothins else you can do...worrying isnt going to get you the approval texts any quicker and youll probably only make yourself sick...

    2. Luna


      thank you itzel :) thats why i been trying to keep myself busy :]

    3. Rh_ny


      Thanks C_air23 and Itzel. Just like Luna said we hould keep ourselves bsy somewhere

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  20. Favorite type of music?

    Heavy Metal / Gothic Metal/ Progressive Metal / Symphonies / Orchestra / Clasical Music and I think that's pretty much it ohhhh yes I do listen to Electronic music as well and Spanish music like Camila and Caifanes
  21. >.< I'm going crazy, feeling like I'm on an emotional roller-coaster everyday ! Feeling happy, anxious, worried , stressed, grateful ,etc etc, and My status still On "initial review" -__-!i can't bee patient anymore and soon I'll be going into a panic mode :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aled


      I just remembered that you took your biometrics this past friday... So soon and you're already going on this frantic mode! =0 ! yup, hang in there

    3. Luna


      took my biometrics on friday :o i know Aled :( im just being desperate :P but thanks everyone :D ill try to keep my mind busy with some video games or movies, or music who knows......

    4. Aled


      If you need a hug let me know...

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  22. Hi, where have you been ????? haven't seen you in a while hope everything is ok :D

    1. Bee1989


      Hey Luna. Ive been just really busy and tired lately. I get on late on here and you're never here. How are you. How did biometrics go?