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Luna last won the day on March 4 2013

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About Luna

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  • Birthday January 8

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    New Jersey
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    In love with the Universe <3

    "there is not shame in not knowing. The problem arises when irrational thought and attendant behavior fill the vacuum left by Ignorance"

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  1. So, I have to re apply again for the work permit and pay again because the stupid post office and mail man lost my working permit -___- the waiting game starts again ...... So so so so disappointed :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aled


      I can't even imagine how you must feel about the whole situation. I am sorry this has happened.

    3. Baby23


      Hey Luna, the same happend to my cousin. We went to the same lawyer, and she explain what happpend but she still had to pay. She was told it might not be long though since you both been approve before. Our lawyer told her to file a police report since it was very personal documents. She did file one and sent it in with the application. Uscis might think you just want another EAD. But your case actually shows it wasn't deliverd and her said it had been delivered. Good luck ill keep you up...

    4. Luna


      Thank you guys yes I will file a police report !