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Luna last won the day on March 4 2013

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About Luna

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  • Birthday January 8

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    New Jersey
  • Interests
    In love with the Universe <3

    "there is not shame in not knowing. The problem arises when irrational thought and attendant behavior fill the vacuum left by Ignorance"

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  1. Today I received an answer to the service request I placed -_- it's says to. +{*{*]*\£\•~¥¥\€\>>{€%#*%#@ wait another ¥}€#%#€@(&&@@%# 60 day VERMONT go to @&$@#%^*#+## :'( going on 7 months soon !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yuly87


      They actually tell you 60days. ? My letter said "you will receive a response soon..."

    3. latinagirl


      Im sure they tell you that so you dont expect a letter in 7 days andi hope they approved you withing the next couple of days!!

    4. Luna


      I don't know guys this is so stupid !!!!!!! Really -_- governet offices are so stupid, so disorganized, and they don't give a damn, I just hope I get approved before going back to school in sep, my goal was to start school in January of this year but what the hell...... Ill keep waiting

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