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Everything posted by MillieP

  1. Crazy how there's a lot of people who are prejudiced against their own race...

    1. Santi


      I know what you mean! - I frickin hate hispanics, latinos, beaners, or whatever it is you call them these days ;)

    2. jcarlos08


      sad:/ but true.

  2. Sucks how all the good jobs require experience :/ Till I get hired somewhere I will make the best of December since it is my favorite time of the year :) Oh and ladies I do run my own online boutique online if you girls are interested :)

    1. roadrunner11


      I applied to jobs that required experience and got one :D Just make sure your resume is awesome.

    2. REPutation


      OMG the cloths are GORgeous!!! U makin em? Imma start coming there once I get my job!!!!! YAY!

  3. State ID's and DL's validity

  4. Turned 23 today! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Luna


      Happy Birthday enjoy your day :]

    3. itzel


      Happy Birthday!!!

    4. MillieP


      Thanks again :)

  5. Went to apply for my ssn but lady said I have to wait 10 business days from the date my ead was issued blahh lol

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. paul86


      Where is papers were sent? I know Vermont and Nebraska takes long time. Now between 36-45 days from the time when papers were sent. They go by that not by biometric date.

    3. MillieP


      @paul86 Yes I got my card already. Once your card is shipped the website will update the status. What notices did you get today?

    4. C_Air23


      @paul mine is in Cali...

      @MillieP in Cali,you can take your EAD to show proof if you want to get your ID i believe...

  6. Has anyone applied for there ssn yet?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. C_Air23


      InstaGram! lol

    3. Admin


      Ppl advertise this forum on Instagram?

    4. C_Air23


      no, some people just posted pictures of their ead's and progress..someone just happened to have given me the tip that there is a forum for Dreamers...just convos on the pictures just started

  7. Got a notice in the mail yesterday stating that my app was approved :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. linda2305


      wao that was really fast congratulations

    3. itzel



    4. C_Air23


      when was your biometrics appointment?

  8. Yeah once I got there all he asked was for the appointment letter and passport and took it to the back than he came back and asked if I had the receipt notice and I said yes that I had the other two envelopes I received. And he said great and took them to the back as well.. Then he called me to his desk and told me how it was a good thing I brought them because that will make the process go faster since I wouldn't have to come in again even tho he would love to see me again.. LOL It also might be because the office in my city is always empty and never busy, I was the only one there.
  9. I got them back, they didn't keep them. I guess maybe ASC wants to make sure you paid for the biometrics ..
  10. Hmm well that's what they told me. When you go to your biometrics app if they don't ask for those papers you should ask them yourself. Just ask if they need to see them.
  11. Thank you. And what I ment was that the security guard there and lady that did my fingerprints said that we will be receiving another letter in the mail with another appointment to the ASC center to take in both receipt notices that uscis mailed. Since I had the notices with me they went ahead and did both things at once and I won't have to come in to the second appointment.
  12. I went in to take my biometrics today! And the security there was very helpfull. He asked if I had my receipt paper and I said yes that I had the two envelopes one stating they received my application and one stating I made payment. Because I brought those two he said I was able to do two things at once and will make my application run faster I got my fingersprints taken and picture.. Lady asked if I was satisfied with the pic since that was going to be on the card they will be mailing. Once I was done she reminded me that I was going to receive another appointment notice in the mail but she said to ignore it since I did both things today. So I asked if that was it, if I had to come in again. And she said nope now I just gotta wait for my card in the mail.
  13. I didn't even see an officer there. He was in the back somewhere lol, a lady that worked there is the one that told me. I did end up getting a passport just to get all this over with, I'll be going to take my fingerprints tomorrow
  14. The mobile service comes to my city every tuesday, I called and all appointments were full. But i didn't want to wait till next tuesday so I showed up anyway and got my passport didn't take to long. Got there at 10am left at 1pm. I will be taking my biometrics tomorrow
  15. Yeah, As from the posts I read most centers are accepting the matricula, or passport. Well hopefully I resolve this tomorrow and don't have to spend $100 on the passport Lol.
  16. I actually called the consulate and the guy who answered wanted the name of who ever did not accept my matricula. He seemed a little upset. I have to go meet him at the consule office tomorrow.
  17. I don't either, And it's not even expired SMH I think it just depends on what center you go too.
  18. I live in bakersfield california. There's a center here... Like 5 mins away from my house so good thing it's not far. But bad thing is now i have to pay $101 for a passport :/ Hopefully someone cancels tomorrow and I can get it tomorrow if not I will have to wait another week. UGH
  19. They just down right not take it. But the lady there gave me a sheet of where I can get my passport and told me that the consulate is in town every tuesday so if i get it tomorrow I can just walk in and get my biometrics done. I called tho and all appointments are full ugh, so now I have to wait till next tuesday or call back again tomorrow incase people cancel. I did get 30 days to do so, so I can just go in once I have my passport.
  20. I had my Biometrics appointment today But they are not accepting the consulate ID So now I have to get my passport
  21. Thanks for replying. But on my appointment letter I don't see a receipt number just the A#? I did receive a notice about my payment being received and I do see a receipt number on that notice. Is that the # I use?
  22. I have my biometrics appointment tomorrow at 10am And after reading this forum one of you guys stated that they will ask for my alien registration # and receipt numbers, those numbers are located on the notice USCIS mailed right?