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Everything posted by C_Air23

  1. Official Approval Thread - EAD And DACA

    The day has come! I got approved today! Ahahah weight has been lifted off my shoulders!!
  2. Ahhhhhh best news ever!! I got approved today!!!! Says ordered production of new card!!

  3. SSN after 2 years..

    Itzel, where are you from?
  4. You will recieve 2 receipts, one for the DACA and one for the Employment Card.. Does not include Biometrics Appt...youre going to have to wait for them to send you another letter for that! a week or two weeks before your biometrics appt.
  5. Official Approval Thread - EAD And DACA

    Itzel!! CONGRATS!!!!! i saw your post the other day SSDD ahhaha not you dont have to say that! ahah
  6. SSN after 2 years..

    I believe that your SSN will still be valid and still be able to use to get an ID etc.. I am not even sure if DACA applicants gets a different SSN from others...since ther is 3 types of SSN 1) for US citizens/Green card holders 2) for work 3) for benefits.. since there a category on SSN's website which says...SSN for DACA aplicants.. Anyone who has applied for a SSN and got their card, PLEASE PLEASE let us know what type of SSN you guys get!
  7. Anyone else having to wait longer than 2 weeks to receieve approval from their biometrics?

    1. C_Air23


      So mine has only been 10 days then since mine was the 21st

    2. C_Air23


      If you're saying business days..makes me feel better? Haha

    3. sunshine


      i been wating for 2 weeks already...

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  8. Does anyone know if you present your EAD to DMV, will DMV give you a drivers License that will expire the same time your EAD does?

    1. itzel
    2. MillieP


      You need your ssn first, once you get that you can go to the DMV to get your state ID or licensce

  9. I'm so anxious..people have gotten theirs and gotten results just a couple of days
  10. worried that I havent heard any news. Had my Biometrics appt on Sept 21 and seeing everyone get theirs is making me anxious...anyone who had the same date as me get any news yet? I'm from SF California btw..

    1. C_Air23


      thanks guys! I know patience is the key! I'll try to have more of that!

    2. paul86


      At which location your application was sent?

    3. C_Air23
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. Checking your USCIS.gov status tooo much?

    Have you gotten any response yet? I had the same biometrics appt day as you did but some who had the same as us already got the physical card..have you gotten anything yet?
  12. Jose G: Have you gotten your EaD yet? I had the same bio appt on sept 21 and I haven't gotten notified yet...