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Everything posted by Jerzaim

  1. DACA to HB1 visa

    Hi everyone, I was just curious if anyone knew if there would be a way to transition from DACA (once approved) to a visa like the HB1 (or similar visas).. Thanks.
  2. Hello, my name is Jerzaim and i'm from texas. Like many of you i'm really happy to be able to meet people that can relate to my everyday life. I'm thankful for the opportunity that we have been given to finally come out from the shadows and truly be able to live the dream many of us have had for a long time. I came here at a very young age and grew up here just as any ordinary kid did. My parents are hard working people and I have dedicated my life to replicate their hard work. Like many of you I have ran into many obstacles through out my life but have always tried to overcome them. Although I was a little skeptical of the DACA at first I decided to apply. I was able to obtained my bachelor's degree this past may and currently working on my master's degree. This opportunity will open a 'Enourmous' door not only for my education but also to be able to accomplish so many other things that a few months ago seemed impossible. I am now awaiting a response to see if I get approved.. In the mean time i'll keep myself busy and also hope to make new friends in the process... Good Luck To Everyone, A FELLOW DREAMER
  3. Finally!

    Congratulations.. Hope you achieve everything you set yourself pursue..
  4. Has anyone ever tried finding a job through a staffing soultions company like CDI???? This is the way I just landed my first job after looking for a job on my own.

    1. itzel


      I actually tried but they turned me away because of my lack of experience..but now I work as a assistant to a legal assitant in a law firm..persevere...

    2. Calidreamer


      I worked for Manpower a few years back.

  5. First Job

  6. First Job

    Hi, Where is MIcrochip's location?? I received my MS in ME and heat transfer was my concentration.
  7. Thanks Itzel, I was wondering why i couldn't claim the american opportunity credit yet... I guess i have to file sometime in mid-february
  8. Hello Everyone

    Welcome Pam.. Ask any questions you may have there will be someone here to help..
  9. After waiting 8 yrs since i learn to drive... I passed my driver's test with flying colors.. 2013 sure has been best ever!!!

  10. Approved!!!

    oh and i printed the online application and filled it out..
  11. Approved!!!

    I took my valid passport, ead card thats it!
  12. Approved!!!

    Congrats Christian.. Best wishes for you!!! ps. I too received my ead on a saturday and went to ssa office the following monday, unfortunately i was still not in their system and had to go another day 1 week later. so maybe u should wait till tuesday.. Not sure if anyone else had that experience..since one is "technically" suppose to wait 10 days.. A fellow Texan
  13. Graduate School As A Daca Recipient

    In Texas one can still seek graduate studies under the Noriega bill. I had my doubts if that covered graduate school since I couldn't find anything online. I have one year done wish we could get financial aid though it's pretty expensive. Im taking a semester out to get good job and finish at a later time. DACA came at just the right time..
  14. Official Nebraska Approval or Pending Cases

    I received both email/txt messages... btw on your timeline why do u have RFE received: Pending... One would prefer not to get that..
  15. Official Nebraska Approval or Pending Cases

    I got approved today as well...
  16. I got approved today!!!! Awesome start to 2013!!!! Wish everyone goodluck!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jimenezerika


      OMG Congrats !!! I did my bios nov.8 and havent been approved! :( and i sent mine to chicago!

    3. jimenezerika


      OMG Congrats !!! I did my bios nov.8 and havent been approved! :( and i sent mine to chicago!

    4. Jerzaim


      Hmmm well thats the lockbox it got sent to... It was rerouted to a service center... which one was yours sent to??

  17. Official Nebraska Approval or Pending Cases

    Hi Briza87 i'm a few weeks before you.. Hopefully we get approved soon
  18. October

    Details Below
  19. DACA to HB1 visa

    I found this online, looks like one can can get sponsored by an employer and obtain an H-1B visa as long as they also send in the D-3 waiver. But i guess this would be something one should try to consult with a competent immigration lawyer...
  20. Hello my Fellow Dreamers

    Thank you guys for the good wishes... And congratulations for your acceptances... Hope you guys aspire to do great things with this opportunity.. :lol: