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Everything posted by roadrunner11

  1. RFE !!!

    UGH SOME LAWYERS ARE IDIOTS!! yes send the bank statements and make sure to include someting for Summer-Winter for 2007 as well.
  2. Hey new love this forum

    Welcome Dennis
  3. RFE !!!

    How about you include transcripts from school, phlebotomy classes and MA courses. I included all transcripts from high school and college. Also, bank statements from 2007-present. I am sure that is enough. That is exactly what I sent.
  4. Biometrics Appointment Tips

    Thanks for posting this. I wasn't aware security was such a big issue for some dreamers at Support Centers. Mine was so easy, I just placed my purse in the blue bin and walked right in. The guard was even distracted and was chatting with other agents. I guess it depends on the state.
  5. Fabio glad to see you joined us. Things can change for us next year if the DREAM act or an immigration reform happens. Just keep having faith and working hard on everything you do. In my opinion, life is sad if you take that attitude. We might not get the same opportunities as citizens but we definitely develop a much different work ethic. There are tons of places you can visit here in the mean time. Dwelling on the issue won't help; it will just distract us from enjoying what we do have and can have.
  6. Bioemtrics walk in...does it help?

    This is very interesting. I also think it depends on the service center you are assigned too. It could be faster for those assigned to more efficient service centers and others aren't as lucky and seem to be waiting as long as the rest of the dreamers. Either way, I am sure all dreamers who meet the requirements and have enough proof will be approved eventually.
  7. Favorite type of music?

    I like most music but I usually listen to trance, folk rock, jazz and oldies from the 80's
  8. Planet Earth is a playground go have fun :D

    1. Santi


      Whaat?? Allow me to disagree...Planet Earth is mine for the taking!

    2. roadrunner11


      Santi I am afraid you never went out to recess in Kinder :P

    3. Santi


      Recess was all mine gurl! wachutalkinbout?

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  9. They might be confused. Your EAD and translated birth certificate are enough. Try printing out the PDF information on DACA SSN instructions http://www.socialsec...online/ss-5.pdf and take it with to the SSN office. They should be informed better.
  10. Hi everybody

    Welcome Maria Best wishes on your application.
  11. Question: Did you apply with a lawyer of by yourself? If you hired one, I would suggest asking for advice. I am afraid the fingerprints might be the biggest issue in this whole deal. As Rawf said, the fingerprint data base is unforgiving. But I wish you the best and if you were a minor then maybe it won't affect your process.
  12. Hobbies and activities

    Yes Alex those are from this past summer. The first one is from a flower field nearby and the second one is from a hiking trip in the mountains. We found tons of butterflies near the hot springs
  13. DACA Process from START to FINISH

    Hi guys, It seems like most approvals this week were from dreamers who took their biometrics at the beginning of October. Just give it a little more time. It will come soon. Best wishes.
  14. State ID's and DL's validity

    Yup it is lame but the way I see it is as if I were just buying time until something better comes my way.
  15. State ID's and DL's validity

    That is a good point. I didn't know the ID/DLs expired on the date of your EAD expiration regardless if they say five or more years. Mine does have a LIMITED TIME stamp on the top right corner and expires when my EAD expires.
  16. How To Add/Upload Photos

    Thanks Rawf. My problem was I wasn't clicking on "more reply options" so I couldn't see the "attach file" one
  17. Hobbies and activities

    I chase bugs and butterflies

    Martha are you sure you don't have maybe a record of an event you attended, any kind of aid you received, receipts from a purchase with your name on it?
  19. How To Add/Upload Photos

    Rawf excuse my ignorance with technology ... once again.... haha but I have been trying to find the upload file button and I cannot seem to find it. Could you please help me?? Thanks
  20. Anyone ???

    Rh_ny I hope this clears out for you. I am sure they are just verifying a few thing for you. It is tough to stay patient but you have been such a good sport so far. You can do this
  21. Hobbies and activities

    Yes just make sure to stretch after a quick warm up run. Trails tend to be higher impact running so your joints will thank you for that.
  22. Job Searching and more...

    Hi Marlivil 1. ABSOLUTELY include your past work experience. It doesn't matter what your previous status is; you already acquired the experience and that is something you didn't need a work permit for. 2.Do not mention anything about not being employed unless they ask. You can just say for personal reasons I was unable to work during this certain period. 3. It is not necessary to tell them about EAD they will know if they make a copy of it or if they use e-verify. The work permit is renewable so in case they ask tell them you are able to renew it after it expires.
  23. I agree with Itzel. If Arizona keeps closing the doors for all dreamers then they really need to consider pursing their goals somewhere where they are welcomed. I am amazed at how idiotic these people are. Coming from an agriculture based economy state I can see the impact the Hispanic community has. My current bosses have many times said to me without our Hispanic workers we would be nothing in America. When the state tried passing similar laws to the ones in Arizona, they supported the opposing side and in the end the farmers who joined them were able to stop this non-sense. I am grateful for those who appreciate the immigrant community because they demonstrate it is a shame for Arizona to take such stand. So, all dreamers just seek opportunities where you are appreciated.