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Everything posted by roadrunner11

  1. No more excuses please and pass an immigration reform for us and our families.

    1. franklin.m


      yess plz i wanna travel the worldddd

    2. engineer2mike
  2. Im New To This Forum

    Welcome!! Best wishes on your application. It is great to see more Dreamers join the forums
  3. Approved!!!!!!

    Hey Congrats!!
  4. I cannot wait to hear what they have to say. My family and w everyone's family here deserve a chance. I really hope we can get some kind of priority as dreamers so we can also legalize our parents and siblings. I'm hoping this year we see immigration reform. What makes me nervous is the Obama care health reform coming next year. The new healthcare regulations can lead to more issues for the immigrant community that already struggles to get the basic health care.
  5. It doesn't hurt to try and call uscis like tinker advised
  6. Hello

    Welcome I'm glad your case is so ahead of the game. You are definitely one lucky guy that was allowed to stay long enough for this to happen. Thanks for sharing your story it helps many who are in a similar situation have hope and stay strong
  7. Help Me Please!!!! :(

    Church documents, tickets to places w your name, volunteer work?
  8. How To Resubmit For Evidence Requested?

    Yes it seems like the other years were ok you are very polite thanks for posting
  9. What Kinds Of Jobs?

    I nannied and worked at a restaurant. Nannying jobs can be pretty sweet and pay well. I also did some independent consulting for marketing and event planning
  10. What's The Difference? ??

    Initial is when they are in the process of reviewing your case when you first file and additional means they will request more evidence due to something they found out was missing. That's my guess
  11. College Career

    I agree with both splif and santi - Pursue the career that interests you regardless of the immagration status at this point. When I went to college I had no hope of becoming legal and still I did what I LOVE I am grateful I was given the chance to attend college and not let the status hold me back. Life is unpredictable and full of suprises. Best wishes and take classes that interest you regardless of being pre-requisites for your major or not.
  12. Approved Unexpectedly!!

  13. Approved!!! Case Transfer From Vermont To Nebraska!!!!

    Congratulations that's is awesome
  14. Bee Venom Destroys Hiv.

    Sweet thank for sharing. This is intersting because it is not a retrovirus but more of a preventive method. I hope people don't get the wrong idea that this is the cure for it.
  15. Hola! Bienvenida Maria Yo tambien abrevie mi nombre cuando llegue a este pais porque si ponia todos mis nombres y apellidos en los formularios era un testamento. Como dijo RAWF tenes que demostrar tu estadia desde Junio del 2007. Seria recomendable que buscaras cartas, fotos, citas al medico, comprobantes de compra en tiendas o por internet. Cosas asi pueden ser validas para obtner DACA. Si estas en la universidad entonces los "transcripts" o recibos de pago pueden comprobar tu estadia. Tambien podes incluir las clases que cursaste para el GED y si fuiste a la HS tambien- aunque no hayas completado. Si tenes mas preguntas no dudes de escribirnos o mandar un mensaje a quien te parezca No somos abogados pero te podemos dar ideas y ayudarte.
  16. Have a good weekend :) any plans to kick off spring?

    1. splif0clock


      and don't forget my nicotine addiction. :\ As you can see, mother nature doesn't like me . Plus, those 2 months always remind me how weak I am toward nicotine ... sigh.

    2. roadrunner11


      Nooo :( I am so sorry. That sounds miserable. Yes smoking makes allergies worse :/ have you tried going to allergy doc??

    3. splif0clock


      only went once and I still haven't paid my med bills. They only prescribed me a steroid pill, antiboitcs, claritin-d, and pro-air then put me on an oxygen tank for 10 min. I don't have 2k to spare every year :\. So, when I ran out of proair inhalers I go to my friend who works at a pharmacy :D ... the rest meds like claritin I get from regular pharmacies.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. Daca Still "initial Review"

    Call USCIS. Make sure to keep asking about your case.
  18. I agree just go back with your letter because people have walked in on different dates and have been able to get them done best wishes and don't be afraid.
  19. Spring here and it's 30 degrees ok time for flip flops and shorts after -2 temps

    1. Calidreamer


      Hahaha...I'm sorry...I was @ the pool today 'n my sister sent me a pix...it's snowing where she's at

    2. Santi


      @cali - you can't really brag about the sun when I am around...you should know better...lol

    3. roadrunner11


      Hahaha santi you know that's my specialty ;)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. Official Nebraska Approval or Pending Cases

    Hey guys I was there a few months ago. I remember it was not fun but you cannot stop living a good life because you are waiting for this :/ it would be a shame to waste 3 or so months being sad. Enjoy spending time with those around you, volunteer, work on your résumé, have fun going places you don't need an ID to get in. Never let this be a burden or a road block from living a good life.
  21. 60 Days Almost Up For Rfe Respond

    I would call them when your 60 days are up. Best wishes
  22. Official Nebraska Approval or Pending Cases

    I don't think you are able to check your case until you actually take your bios in some cases. They do not review your application until the biometrics are taken. Don't worry you will be able to see your status later and what matters the most is planning what you will do once you have it.
  23. Praise The Lord!!!!

    Congratulations!!!! I am glad this happened so soon for you.
  24. So I Think I'm Approved !

    C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S This is freaking awesome!!!
  25. Hi! I'm New Here!

    Hi welcome!!! : ) BEST WISHES