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About Whenthugzcrii

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  1. Help! What Does It Mean?

    THANKS!! Best news i had in a long timee! =]
  2. I went online to check my status on uscis website and it said post decition activity, and it said i821d approved. Dies that mean i been approved? How long to get my working permit?
  3. Does anybody knoe how long

    I hope so to, this waiting is killing me! I check the mail everyday lol. Hopefully next week we hear about something but if you get an answer before me let me knoe =]
  4. Does anybody knoe how long

    My service center is vermont
  5. Does anybody knoe how long

    How do i get to your signature am new
  6. Does anybody knoe how long

    And congratulations hope everything works better for you now!
  7. Does anybody knoe how long

    I did them on september 20 on miami, yes i am signed up and i check my status online like everyday lol and i still havent got any answers. How long did it took yours after the biometrics?
  8. Does anybody knoe how long

    I took my biometrics about a month ago and i still havent recived any notifications. Does anybody knoes how long it takes? Have anybody recived ther working permit already??
  9. Welcome to the forums Whenthugzcrii :)