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Brookness last won the day on November 29 2012

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About Brookness

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    Santa Ana, Ca
  • Interests
    Fitness, family, reading. Perusing my educational goals
  1. I know I just think that Arizona should really give DL/ ID. It's money going into the economy creating jobs. when I lived in Oregon I was one of the last few to get an I.D before the policy changed. Literally a year to the day, the DMV that serviced me was closed. It's money stimulating the economy, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Then again Jan Brewer isn't very bright.
  2. What does this mean :(

    I just checked with my lawyer and he said that this changed because they now have your bios, so someone is now phisaclly looking at your application/ reviewing it. mine says the same thing. He said that is a step forward, but processing is taking longer, because of the influx of DACA cases.
  3. Jan Brewer is an idiot!!! Immigrant and civil-rights groups filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging Arizona's order to deny driver's licenses to young illegal immigrants who qualify for a reprieve from deportation and a work permit under a new Obama administration policy. The lawsuit alleges the state treats the immigrants, who are allowed to remain in the country, as unlawfully present. It requests that a federal judge declare unconstitutional an executive order issued in August by Gov. Jan Brewer. "Arizona's creation of its own immigration classification impermissibly intrudes on the federal government's exclusive authority to regulate immigration," said the lawsuit, which the American Civil Liberties Union and several other groups filed on behalf of five undocumented youths in U.S. District Court in Phoenix. Gov. Brewer and two state transportation department officials were named as defendants. The Obama administration in June announced that illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. before the age of 16, who are younger than 31 and have lived in the country at least five years can be considered for a deferral of deportation and work authorization to be renewed every two years. They must also be in high school or serve in the military to be eligible. Gov. Brewer has said that denying driver's licenses is justified because her state's agencies don't grant public benefits to any illegal immigrants. At least 10,000 undocumented youth in Arizona have applied for the federal program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of several young immigrants in Arizona who came to the U.S. as children and who have qualified for the program. Arizona has been at odds with the Obama administration over illegal immigration since the state passed a stringent law in 2010 to crack down on unlawful residents. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld some provisions of that law. About 1.3 million youth are immediately eligible for the deferred-action program, including 80,000 in Arizona, according to the Migration Policy Institute, an independent think tank in Washington, D.C. Write to Miriam Jordan at [email protected] Here is the full article link didn't work...sorry guys!
  4. Home school high school diploma.

    The more evidence you send better so they don't turn around and ask you to prove this or that. pswa83!is right send both so there is no confusion that you finished.
  5. 30 days since submission of application, 14 days since Bios. And we wait some more....impatiently might I add!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jj2009



      I went on November 6

    3. Brookness


      When did ya'll do your bios?

    4. Santi


      Brookness, you have not started waiting yet...I have been waiting since Sep (Bios)

  6. Hobbies and activities

    I'm a business major too. What school do you want to apply too??
  7. NO MORE DREAM ACT??? :/

    GOP hasn't learned that we won't take any of there Micky Mouse bull$h!+!!!!! This isn't going to pass because the Latino will not let it pass.
  8. Hobbies and activities

    You will become friends with PCH, hit the pier too. I like running on the beach because its cool. Don't get me wrong I'm not a climate wuss or anything. It is a little flat for what I like. I use to do the trails up in Fullerton. best run ever! Anyways it's not hard at all.
  9. Hobbies and activities

    Huntington Beach marathon is pretty good. Did it once before with a friend. Good luck!
  10. introducing myself (:

    From what we are currently seeing there is a back log of Daca applicants. The estimates are3 to4 months or so as a wait time. There is some debate about when you should start counting.Do you count from the day you filled and Uscis sent confirmation or from your bios. Process really test your patience!
  11. 29 work days since my app was filled, 13 work days since Bios.

    1. sanchez05


      Hey! :) when did you went to your Bios appt.???? :) and did you went on you actual appt day or was it a walk in? :)

  12. I'm in a pickle! My old job wants me back! What to do!?!?!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pswa83



      depending on wha the job is

    3. Brookness


      I think I will negotiate....

    4. pswa83


      heck yeah, if they want you back, have them make it worth your wild to go back. dont take less then what you want but dont try and screw them over either. :)

  13. I'm in the same boat except I applied in October. From what I have seen in some stats California is one of the states with the most Daca applicants. So it is just taking a little more time to get approvals out. Patience is a virtue many of us don't have, especially with this. Good luck!
  14. Bob Marley makes everything better!!!

  15. 27 days since I applied, 11 days since my Bios!

    1. latinagirl


      hello brookness which center did your application when to?

    2. Brookness


      It went and stayed at the California service center.