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Everything posted by leogarcia1994

  1. Just spam call them till you get an answer you want. Just keep calling them that's what i did i called them like 27 times till i finally got the answer i wanted.
  2. How Much More???

    About 4 years, if you're lucky.
  3. Id/driver License In Texas

    I'm moving to texas soon what documents do you need to apply for an ID or DL? And how long does the state residency have to be i heard you also have to go to a driving school wtff?
  4. Denial Of Licenses For Dreamers. !!

    Guys in the state of NC DACA dreamers can get Driver's license now according the new rule AG roy cooper sent out to the dmv today.http://www.wbtv.com/story/20614736/ag-illegal-immigrants-can-get-nc-drivers-licenses
  5. License & IDs by State.

    I hope this is something temporary to.. im worried.. I applied for a learner's permit on the same day they announced this bullshitt i hope they mail it to me. If not ... Im going to TN , or VA and live their.. why be in a state where your discriminated..
  6. License & IDs by State.

    Lol check again they don't give license in NC to dreamer's well not anymore... It's temporary thought
  7. Lol i had alot of speeding and no license tickets and i still got approved within 35 days for DACA. The bad news is that my state is just like Arizona there denying DACA people ID'S/License.
  8. I'm from Guilford county and i went on Thursday and they accepted my papers.... it's weird idk.. i showed them my work permit and social and thats its .. they said they were going to mail it to me. But now since that new law came in idk if there going to even mail it to me anymore.
  9. License & IDs by State.

    These racist bums.. Ok More update take out SC, NC, TN Georgia , and virginia... They no longer give ID's or license to Approved Dreamers.
  10. Denial Of Licenses For Dreamers. !!

    I hope they still mail me the ID/License if not 'm screwed, and all that effort going to the DMV and passing was a waste. They even called Homeland security and told them if i was Authorized to reside and work in the country.
  11. Denial Of Licenses For Dreamers. !!

    You live in NC? I live in Guilford county i went yesterday to apply for an ID and they treated me like shit, but i got through it they took my picture and everything for an ID, but that new policy came in today which worried me...
  12. Denial Of Licenses For Dreamers. !!

  13. Vermont Center

    Thanks everyone I'm hoping the best for all of you !!
  14. Vermont Center

    Bio Appt- October 26 Approved- December 27 !!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
  15. I'll say 65 days average. Not an approximate Just an average an approximate day can very significantly.
  16. October

    Date Application filed: October 13 Lockbox: Phoenix Mail method: ups priority Date Delivered: September 18 Date of text: Unknown Date of I-797 notice: October 1st Date of Bio App: October 26 (No walk-in) Date of Approval: pending Date of EAD: pending
  17. I'll wait another month no problem lol. =\
  18. DACA Process from START to FINISH

    Same i did mine on October 26 be patient December is our month for sure.
  19. I'm ignorant to the requirements.

    Lol i feel your pain diego your not the only one.
  20. Official Vermont Approval or Pending Thread

    Yeah, lol the Nebraska SC is taking their sweet time(:
  21. Official Vermont Approval or Pending Thread

    Be patient you guys your approvals are coming shouldn't be to long. For the once that applied on October or November you could be hearing an answer as early as next year.
  22. Official Vermont Approval or Pending Thread

    The funny thing is that there's people from early November already approved.
  23. DACA Process from START to FINISH

    I have a feeling in these coming weeks there's going to be a bunch of approvals(:
  24. biometric question.

    It's been a month and 3 days since bio, and i still haven't heard anything im getting worried ):