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About MoniqueMelissa

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday March 17

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  • Location
    Brooklyn, New York

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  1. Trying to decide if I should move in with my friend and his friend in August. $400 a month for the master bedroom. Maybe if I get a steady paying job.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rawf


      $400 for a room is extremely expensive. No matter where it is.

    3. MoniqueMelissa


      Really? I dunno most paces in nyc are like $200 per week for a room. $400 per month isn't that bad. I mean I get to use the kitchen and the living room and I have my own bathroom.

    4. splif0clock


      @Rawf you got that right man but that is not how it is bro. S**t, bottle of water was suppose to be free but we pay for it anyway.

      @melissa You can't sort out the problem with moms. After all, she is the only one who suppose to understand your pain/situation. Or, stop being a bad ass and adhere to her rules lol

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