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About MoniqueMelissa

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday March 17

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  • Location
    Brooklyn, New York

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  1. It's stressful even going to college this semester knowing I can't pay for next semester.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MoniqueMelissa
    3. erika22


      I know what you mean I didn't have money to pay off my fall semesters tuition and saved all thru the semester and finally paid it only to have to pay start all over again and owe the springs tuition all over. Hopefully we get approved soon so we can work our butts off. What are you going to school for?

    4. MoniqueMelissa


      Yeah I didn't go to fall semester so I could save up for this semester and it's a lot of money. The struggle lol. I have a job but it's only weekends. When I get my EAD I'll get a full time job. The wait is worth it. I'm going to school for biology/biomedical engineering. How about you?