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Everything posted by dahlia

  1. I don't have any kind of document with my name on it for June 15, 2012 or any date that whole month (but I do have them for May & July). No social media activity either. I didn't have a bank account at the time, and my parents paid my expenses. The closest thing I have are cell phone records, and it's on a family plan billed to my mom's name. I know they don't accept an affidavit alone to prove presence on June 15, but what if I have my mom sign one that says my cell phone number is mine, or something like that? Anyone know if that would be acceptable? I've had everything else for DACA ready for months; I'm good to go except for this one problem. Please help.
  2. Thanks for the responses. I didn't have a job anytime near that date, no facebook updates that month -- even the library card I was using at the time is under my mother's name because I didn't have the right type of ID to get my own. The closest thing I have to June is a doctor's appt on May 31st 2012. May not be close enough that they'd let it slide. For the phone bill, did you have the parent whose name it was under sign an affidavit confirming that's your phone number? Maybe I'd need to do that if I didn't have employment or appointments that whole month.