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About mayra

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  • Birthday 06/23/1990

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  1. i fell like i been waiting forever....why is nebraska taking long in approvals?

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    2. Rawf


      Mine was on Oct 5th and I got my EAD on Nov 9th! While my sister went also on Oct 5th and it is still on initial review.. anytime soon, hopefully this week :)

    3. NilviaRR


      @Meow, just hang in there! I don't know what they prioritize with, idk if you're from a state with a smaller pool of applicants it goes faster? I really have no idea... Im from Iowa? and well yea I just don't know... my file was extremely well organized lol I typed up a sheet of what every document in there was meant to prove and I separated each category in its own manila folder and I used tabs to point out dates, names, etc on documents.Not really sure to be honest! lol...

    4. NilviaRR


      Also maybe if you already graduated from high school? Who knows!