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Everything posted by Calidreamer

  1. La Santa Cecilia Video Ice

    ... I got a lump in my throat...I have no words to describe how this video made me feel
  2. Good Morning DREAMers! Get up, stand up; stand up for your rights!

    1. Santi


      No me importa y coma torta!

      @Lame-o, errr, Cali

    2. Calidreamer
    3. Santi





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  3. Victory’s within the mile Almost there, don’t give up now!!!!

    1. Calidreamer
    2. Santi


      shhh - I know, I know...shhh, it's alright mate, it's alright shhh shhhh>>>>>>>@cALi<<<<<

    3. Calidreamer
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  4. 1st day @ my new job!! I got my smile on :D

  5. He is the worst kind of wrong. He is so wrong it feels right, and that makes me feel completely out of control...I

  6. Don't stop, get it, get it We are your captain's in it Steady, Watch me navigate, Ahahahahahhaa.

    1. Santi




  7. Hello, !

    Yayyyyyyyy! Congrats
  8. :''( Why God??

    I am so very sorry to see this, but as @Santi said, don't lose hope yet; wait for that letter to explain the reason why and what steps to follow. I really hope this was a mistake from USCIS. Here is a posting from Splif0clock regarding a case been denied. Best wishes.
  9. Just Got Approved!

    Yayyyyyyyy!!! Congrats You should get DACA approved in a couple of hours
  10. Approved!!!!!!!! :d Well I Think???

    Congrats va98!!
  11. Approved!!!!!!!! :d Well I Think???

    Yay!! Congrats Lets hope Vermont keeps them coming!!!!
  12. Yay! Congrats... So very happy for you!! C'mon Vermont we want more approvals
  13. We don't like to do too much explaining Story stays the same I never changed it

  14. I Got Arrested Help???

    Ok, first of all you have to accept that it was your fault, they may had provoked you, but you fell for it. Can you acknowledge that? Second, everything we do has consequences and now more than ever you have to keep your mind cool! Last, take a look at this Perla got arrested after she applied for DACA, my bf had a record too. Best wishes to you, you'll be fine as long as you can start controlling your self 'cause clearly they want to fk you over.
  15. Dreams?

    Lolz when you get approved you'll be wondering if its a dream I would look at my EAD card every morning for a week...I bit it once...nooooo I didn't but you get the picture
  16. Best Credit Cards To Apply For After Daca

    ok, so I'm looking into applying for either the Capital One Secured MasterCard or the Capital One Journey student, but do I have to have employment history? 'Cause I'm gonna start working in a week, so how long after I start before I can apply? Thanks for your answer
  17. Approved Unexpectedly!!

    Congrats!! Very happy for you It really does come when you least expected!!
  18. Hey Everyone

    I can tell you that I understand how you feel...I always tried to not pay attention to my "status" I tried to do my best, but you always hit that wall...and you get brought back to reality. I'm glad I joined the forum 'cause I find people like you that have experienced difficulties like I have...thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wish you success
  19. Empecemos por el principio, si tu abogado te dice que estas aplicando para el DREAM Act sal corriendo y busca otro porque esto es DACA el DREAM Act no a pasado! Yo he usado mi nombre y un solo un apellido (el de mi papá) y todos mis documentos muestran ese nombre, y no tuve ningún problema; te dejo el "posting" de Tori porque a ella USCIS le requirió más información por la cuestión del uso de su nombre, tal vez esto te de una idea. Puedes encontrar respuestas a tus preguntas aquí : y aquí : Mencionaste que has ido a la escuela, puedes usar tus calificaciones, recibos de inscripciones, etc. Puedes mandar transacciones de eBay; no has trabajado, pero ha tu mama hecho declaración de impuestos, tal vez ella te declaro como dependiente? Te aterieron al contrato en donde vives? Te recomiendo que revises en el "forum", aquí puedes encontrar muchas respuestas. Este es un "posting" de Splif0clock en este el se refiere a "discount cards" Como podrás darte cuenta prácticamente puedes usar todo lo que este a tu nombre, tienes Xbox porque puedes usar recibos de las transacciones hechas por el internet. Buena Suerte
  20. Ebay?

    Yay!! at least it was fast I did, I sent eBay 'n PayPal showing my name, dates and address; Also, pswa83 posted that Xbox transactions could be used as well. Best wishes
  21. Ead Card

    That happened to my bf he got the tracking # the next day; it took exactly a week from production to arrival.A little patience Perla, it'll get there
  22. @the drug testing lab the girl says "we are doing a hair drug test" I said "okaaaay? What r u doing to my hair?" She says "oh, we just have to cut a little of it" A guy walks in 'n he goes "R U ready" I said "no, but go for it" starts cutting, my hands fly to my head 'n I said "what the hell r u doing" he says "I'm cutting ur hair the sample must be as close to the scalp as possible" thats not what I had pictured :'( I ha...

    1. kayej87


      DAMN sorry Cali I cried just to clip my Locs I can imagine how u felt

    2. Calidreamer


      @Ale that f*n ahole took it from the crown! So if I have it down you can totally tell!! Or I may be paranoid

      Lmfao@lyssa you've made my day

      @socrules thought about it, but my bf said its not too bad 'n he'll get me a cute hat O.o

      @kaye yeah I was crying when I call my bf

    3. Osha


      Hahaa...I hope he didn't cut a chunk of it.

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  23. Getting A Social

    Congrats to you both
  24. Finally!!!!

    yay!! Happy to hear everything worked out! Now go out there 'n fulfill your dreams