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Everything posted by Moises

  1. i went and applied today but i dont have a passport only a matricula and birth certificate.They told me the birth certificate was fine but it would take about 4 weeks for them to translate it and another 2 weeks for them to process my after all the waiting i did for the EAD i have to do some more waiting until the birth certificate is translated.
  2. La Nueva Estadistica De Daca!!

    theres almost 200k of us that have been accepted...WOW
  3. The Production of my card has just been ordered...i couldn't be happier. Hopefuly they mail it by the end of the day so i can get it this week

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moises


      Congrats to you too :) how many days did it take for them to actually produce it?

    3. jimenezerika


      THanks !

      mine was approved on thursday and was sent to production on friday and today they sent it to me!:)

    4. erika020


      yay Congrats! :)

  4. Sent Off My Evidence!

    ^ i did the same thing
  5. im looking to upgrade from my 1993 tahoe to a 2003 escalde.
  6. Getting a Driver's License

    Wow illinois is completely different from how harsh other states are,my friend went and got hers with just a phone bill,SSN,EAD and school ID.She got her license on the spot and its exactly like everyone elses.
  7. DACA Process [Timelines]

    Date Biometrics scheduled - January 2nd,2013 ✔ Date of DACA/EAD Approval text - Febuary 8th✔ Date of EAD Mailed - Pending Date of EAD Received - Pending Date Applied for SSN - Pending Date SSN Received - Pending Date Applied for DL/ID - Pending Date DL/ID Received - Pending
  8. Dreamers Sue to Stop Michigan From Denying DLs

    its so sad to see states that do in illinois even the adult undocumented workers are going to get licenses soon.i hope these dreamers can win the case to be given an equal opportunity
  9. State ID's and DL's validity

    anyone from illinois? i just got approved on the 18th and i want to go get mine ASAP.Also why do they get mailed to us instead of printed on the spot like for others?
  10. Illinois Outing For Friday Feb 8Th

    Im from the chicago suburbs,i just got approved on the 8th maybe ill catch you guys on the next one.
  11. Anyone Applied In Late 2012? Or 2013?

    I applied in decemeber,took my biometrics on jan 2nd and was approved on feb the 8TH im just waiting for my EAD which should be here within the next couple service center was texas