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Everything posted by Aled

  1. Today I received my state ID in the mail. Feels good :)

    1. sanchez05


      Congrats!!! Alex!:)

    2. pankaj
    3. MarioLC


      Hola!! Felizidades! I am happy for you!

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  2. Victory for undocumented youth in MA! In-State tuition now available for DACA recipients. This is great, school will finally be more affordable for us Dreamers in MA. :)

    1. NilviaRR


      That's great!! Makes a MAJOR difference!!

  3. RFE Discussion?!

    For the year of 2012 I used mostly bank statements to prove I was here on that year as well as to prove I was here June 15. If you have a bank account get them!
  4. SSN Question

    It shouldn't damage your card if you scan it. If you look at it, the card is not made of anything special and has no barcodes or anything. Its just paper...
  5. It seems to me like its something for an interview with a USCIS officer...
  6. What I find a bit surprising about this data is the number of people approved, low. And the small number of people from my nationality, more south koreans than us.... =0
  7. This thing about a new waiver is totally new to me. Never heard of it, would be fantastic if it became a reality in the future
  8. HI Rena, if being approved for DACA and marriage was perhaps an easy option to acquire residency or citizenship many would be looking for a citizen to marry. DACA itself does not give a path to citizenship. Now if you are granted DACA and marry a USC, you will only be granted permanent residency if and only you entered the country legally. Depending on the circumstances of your man, I suggest you seek the advice of an attorney.
  9. I already received my EAD. So far what I've done is acquired my SSN, and recently applied for a state ID. After I receive that I'll go apply for my DL. We're nearly approaching the new year and what I'm doing now is preparing myself on all aspects to finally go out there into the workforce. I'm looking to start the new year like never before, college also awaits me. I have big plans
  10. Advance parole is risky as JoseG pointed out. If you or anyone else have no major urgencies it isn't a risk worth taking...
  11. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    You know, for every aiport in the country they are all different in the sense of being strict. Like I said, I've never had any problems traveling with a foreign passport. But that doesn't mean that there's still no risks involved. For example, an officer at some airport can decide to go ahead and find the visa stamp on your passport (thing which I heard is unlikely when traveling in the U.S). Obviously if this officer wants to screw you over, he can do that. Don't mean to scare you but its still a reality that must be pointed out...
  12. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    I have done a bit of traveling the past couple of years from Massachusetts to Florida using my country's passport. I've never had a problem with it. If you check with TSA website you'll see tha using a foreign passport is an acceptable form of ID to use at the airport. Usually when you fly within the states when you're going through the airport's checkpoint they just check to see if your passport is valid your name and photo.
  13. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    I was wondering if a state ID is an acceptable form of ID to fly within the U.S...? Hmm
  14. it feels a bit surreal to finally be able to carry a legit SNN in your hands. Soon there shall be a new force out there doing big things! let's get it!

    1. the dreamer

      the dreamer

      alright man thanks for the info.

    2. roadrunner11


      Alex, Itzel is right. Just take your EAD and your SSN. Don't forget a bill under your name or something that proves your residency where you live. It has to be a current bill or something that you got in the mail not so long ago.

    3. Aled


      Thanks for your input Silvia!

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  15. Hi, my name is Nilvia

    I'm with MOE on this one!
  16. I Dont Feel Like.....

    You know when a person first gets to this country and experiences the struggles and things that come with being an immigrant. It is through that that many of us can relate, because we know how it feels. Have you ever met a person you knew that went through this, and fortunately they acquire their residency, becomes a citizen and then they turn their back on you like they're the shit!? They suddenly act like they're better than you because of it. This is what I think Nilvia was trying to point out. Nilvia is smart to enough to know that people have to take care of theor pririties and that eventually one has to move on to do what one has to. She also knows that there's many more people who are willing to contribute and I did not see nor understood that she was asking people around here to stop what you're doing and to stick around. She simply said, if you get approved for DACA, someday acquire citizenship don't turn your back on your people and to remember that you too came from the same place. Peace... Don't stay mad
  17. Nilvia started off saying one thing, but apparently you guys misunderstood and came up with another. I have seen Latinos, not born not in the U.S. They somehow became citizens and they totally forget where they came from ( I could care one bit about the age they got here) and simply because they now have residency or citizenship they go against other latinos who are lnot in their same position of being a resident or citizen. I saw on the news, three people from Arizona dressed up as members of the KKK they were racially attacking a hispanic woman (Mexican) They cops somehow stopped these people unmasked them and only to find out they were Mexican as well. Except they were citizens. What the fuck is that!? I was brought here to the U.S when I was nine years, I have no ties with my country and that's because I can't travel to it. This. Country has given me everything I have now, I was raised here and this is the only country I know, but I'm still Latino, I still speak perfect spanish and the fact that I was raised here doesn't make me a white boy. I'm still Latino... I'm proud to be able to speak Spanish and English. Its about keeping it real.
  18. Nilvia, respeto mucho tu manera de pensar en todo este aspecto! Mejor no lo pudiste haber dicho!
  19. Its a new week! C'mon now!!! ohh yeahhhh

  20. Staying Positive and Constructive

    Thank you Silvia (Roadrunner) you couldn't have said it any better. It has for a fact come to my attention that many were using the forum let out their frustration and anxiety about their waiting game. As you said, people have the freedom to express what they want but it isn't fair to post negative thoughts when there are other people who have also been waiting patiently for a long time. Why share or pass on negativity with others...?
  21. Top 10 Benefits of..

    Thanks for taking the time to post this Jon!
  22. I like how you keep it real Nilvia and how you seem to be a proud Mexican. I also think its lame when a hispanic person wants to act like they don't speak spanish when they do! I've had these encounters with some latinos whom I spoke spanish to and they've acted like they can't speak Spanish but then you have to listen to their broken or improper English. That freaking irritates the f$*&k out of me...
  23. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    Whoaaa go through checkpoints while traveling within the U.S on the road!? That sounds more difficult than getting through an actual checkpoint on an airport...
  24. Make sure you don't get any cuts on your fingers too! ^^
  25. Proud to be a part of this movement! also be sure to check out you too can join the movement and together we make a stronger voice. Get involved!