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Everything posted by amor

  1. Music Sharing

    What the hell LOL Hilarious, I love it.
  2. Music Sharing

    OMG OBSESSED. I love her.
  3. Vermont Center

    YUP! But what the hell can you do except not rip out all your hair? lol Soon enough!
  4. Social Networks
  5. Are My Parents The Only Ones?

    At the risk of oozing cliché, true love is priceless. I won't lie, it would suck for both of us to be in the same situation, but to discriminate against someone else for their status is to discriminate against ourselves. It would be saying that our American citizen partners should have walked away from us because we're hopeless. Parents always want the best for us, even if its not fair or kind.
  6. Ugh, that sucks. Sorry to hear that. What state do u live in?
  7. I did too! I was driving myself NUTS. 6 months for me would be mid May so I'm going to continue life and chillll ouuttttt.
  8. We've been waiting approx 20 years lol they can't teach us anything lol
  9. Vermont Center

    I know this is really depressing, but I figured out that 180 days (6 months, which is the max time) from when they received my app would be May 23rd. The reality of it possibly taking that long made my anxiety go away almost completely lol I think logic kicked in and said, uh we're not playing these mind games until May. Just chill. Remember to calculate BUSINESS days!
  10. Dreal Documentary

    So perfect. This is the representation we want! So many more people would support us if they just knew. Thank you!
  11. Somewhat Good News...

    Seriously! This is crazy... I bet the lock boxes that they didn't expect such a big turn out didn't get much extra help, if any. Explains why Cali is moving faster that Vermont!
  12. In Boston, I used my passport but as I was fishing for it in my purse, the guy mentioned all I needed was my cedula. It was good to know!
  13. Hi I'm Armando

    Armando, you're the kind of person that makes us dreamers shed our shame and stand proud. I admire your hard work and perseverance! Welcome and thank you for sharing!
  14. Music Sharing

    Love the instrumentals on that! I have a collection of Arabic, Greek and Bollywood I haven't even gone into yet! Bring on the exotic lol love these guys... U know them?
  15. Music Sharing

    Bring it.
  16. Music Sharing

    Son increibles.. el show de ellos fue el mejor que he visto. "Niña Rica" es malaaa y chistosisima!! Tambien me fascina Los Aterciopelados... dos de las miles de bandas Colombianas buenisimas!
  17. Name Changing

    Ohh! You're kidding! I never even thought about having to do that. OK, never mind! Maria Alejandra it is!
  18. Music Sharing

    They are absolutely amazing and this girl... AHH! She's phenomenal. Saw them live!
  19. Name Changing

    I do!! I love my name.. it's Maria Alejandra but the whole going by only your first name in the US is so annoying! All my life growing up I was Maria Morales. I kind of want to change my name to Alejandra Maria but I haven't looked into how difficult or risky that would be. I'm probably going to wait until I have residency.
  20. what's your new year resolution?

    LOL I'm dating my best friend of 8 years... Been together for 3 years.
  21. Case by case basis.. I paid a lawyer and I've been waiting since my bios on Sept 26th.
  22. Clinton all the way... She was my first choice last election.
  23. Taking Too Long?

    Vermont is really slow. They received my application on September 7th and I had my bios on September 26th and nothing so far... Patience!
  24. Hobbies and activities

    LOL! I'll have videos on YouTube soon actually! I'm a Zumba instructor ;-)