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Everything posted by EL_Aviles

  1. hey guys after you guys get your SSN how much do you get in return with taxes now that you guy get a real ssn ? just curious.
  2. I Got Approved

    well this is a happy ending .
  3. I Got Approved

    people need to be more responsible , such kids,
  4. where the story@? and sorryfor your lost.
  5. Daca Not Approved

    it must hurt knoweing when some one gets denied , hopefully they can re apply.
  6. What's This?

    oh another of those , gawd have mercy on you my boy , good luck with that tranfer it can be good news or it can me the same as before still waiting.
  7. just got my hair cut done and i look alright , had to cut my mullet lol

    1. Calidreamer


      Oh thank goodness the mullet is gone!! Lolz jk

  8. Rules And Regulations!

    wait why or what you meen zexual contents? if i said anything im sorry , ill restate my stuff again.
  9. Daca Not Approved

    she didnt say why they denied her, or what the letter said this is bs.
  10. House Oks 'washington Dream Act'

    oh very interested indeed. thanks.
  11. Me, Work, Unpaid Taxes. Help!

    itgonna takea hile if you go to the irs , just faster to ask hes boss woudlnt it be? unless hes bossdidnt report him for hes taxes then irs can help.
  12. Me, Work, Unpaid Taxes. Help!

    you just ask your boss for the form, thats weird , they always send them by mail when its time for taxes, but some bosses charge you to give you another copy, since you said you have a fake adress. or some dont charge depends what and ass he might be, when you do your taxes i think they give you and itt thingy not quite sure .
  13. It Has Happened!!

    jelouse ! lol jk im happy another raza has become a dreamer.
  14. omg taramo what have you done no its a big deal .lol just jk , wish i could of being their when you notice it was a wrong, lol but as the others reply , no big deal , no need to brake your little head over something so small.
  15. Please Help

    your a in a pretty tight spot, but its not a big deal , if you remember the name of the cop , go to the department to verify the name you use, but why do people give fake name when pull over? the name is not important its your finger print that matters .
  16. "every saint has a past" and " every sinner has a future."

    1. splif0clock


      saints are the worst sinners !!

  17. Accepted Accepted Accepted

    congrat brother.
  18. Help!! Daca Update

    i dont think there is nothing to be concern about , look at this other ppl waiting and nothing.
  19. Help!! Daca Update

    you should have two recipt number , try the other one and see what status it is,
  20. i know it has happen quite frequently lol .
  21. North Carolina Diver Licenses

    yeah its pretty lame haveinng that issued on a DL, has what about california DL will they have issued something like similiar to all dreamers? or will it be a normal DL in cali?
  22. Help!! Daca Update

    congratz. atleast you got a new update and good news, now for the rest of people .