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Everything posted by JoseC

  1. Well its been almost two months since i received my permit and i haven't been able to find a job, I have been filling applications left and right and nothing man I'm so damn frustrated ever since i got it i only had one job interview and they only called back to say that the position had already been filled. Im so stressed out about this whole situation.
  2. Background Check

    Does anybody know how to get one and how much they charge?
  3. I have two misdemeanors on my record and i was just not sure if was going to get it ,but today i checked my status and I have been approved!!Thanks to all of you for the help and don't lose hope!!!!
  4. Affidavit

    Hey guys i got a RFE on the mail and they're asking for stuff to prove i was here before my 16th b-day (apparently school transcripts are not enough) but i don't have any documentation showing that i was here.My question is can i just send affidavits from people that know me and know i was here would that be enough?
  5. Does This Mean Rfe...

    Well as I was trying to check my case (like i do every week) i saw that my status looked like this.Does it mean I'm gonna get hit with a RFE? or the system its just messed up? or what...
  6. Racist Pricks

    I don't know if any of you see the NBA finals game 3 last night,and if you did you probably watched this little mariachi sing the national anthem.Check out his performance Now check the response of these racist"americans"..
  7. Misdemeanors

    Well i sent my application like five months ago, and i haven't heard anything back ,I'm wondering if its because of my background i have three misdemeanors but one was dismissed in court. The other two are class B misdemeanors here in Texas one was for driving with a suspended drivers license and the other one is for a theft charge because i bought a cellphone from craigslist that was stolen. Its been so long and I'm just thinking that I'm not going to get approved because of that .i sent in all the court paperwork for all of the cases with my application.
  8. Mine got approved two weeks after they received the package
  9. Approved!!!

    @thEgame1990 bro i waited closed to 10 mts i put my aplication in october,you will be approved too man just be patient!!!
  10. Affidavit

    Well i went to autozone and they pulled some purchases we made when i was fixing a car i use to drive ,they do have my name and it shows what was bought and the date, then i went to o'reilly and they also gave me some receipts with my name on them as well and date, I'm going to send those in addition to a notarized letter my friend made me saying that i was here before he was deployed to Iraq. Plus they wanted the court disposition papers for one of the misdemeanor cases i had and clearer copy of my High School Diploma i couldn't find anymore evidence so im just gonna try with that ...hopefully it will be enough...
  11. Affidavit

    I have a 2000 dallas cowboys ticket stub!!! I dont know if that will work
  12. Need Some Advice..

    She does qualify i have a theft charge as well,even thought they requested for more evidence about my case they didn't even mentioned the theft charge, but the she has to send proof that the case was settled or dismissed
  13. Need Some Advice..

    She does qualify i have a theft charge as well,even thought they requested for more evidence about my case they didn't even mentioned the theft charge, but the she has to send proof that the case was settled or dismissed
  14. Affidavit

    tell me about it lol
  15. Affidavit

    Maybe the library but i dont know if they still have records from that date!
  16. Affidavit

    i was 16 and like 3 months but they want me to show proof from before that....
  17. Affidavit

    Well i got here just before i turned 16 but didn't started going to school until a few moths iater i didnt go right away thats probably why they want more proof and ,really i don't have anything else that says i was here...
  18. Affidavit

    The ones i sent were from 9th grade i think but they might have overlook them if thats the case idk what im gonna do because really there is no other way that i can prove i waa here
  19. Does This Mean Rfe...

    I already called and ask they put a service request since it has been over 6 months and said i should receive an answer in two weeks wich is going to make it over 7 months lol
  20. Racist Pricks

    Whatever it is its his style who cares what he wears he is dressed as a Mexican cowboy there is cowboys here too and guess who they stole the attire from?...anyway the important thing is what he does in front of the mic and guess what he is doing again tonight so don't hate!!!
  21. Misdemeanors

    Well in one of the cases( suspended driver's license) i was just fined $150 and i got 24 hours of community service, on the second case which was like 5 years later(theft) my punishment was $150 fine and 45 days in jail (21 days of labor detail or community service) and the third one(theft) was dismissed meaning that i was not charged for it. None of them included violence, drugs,resisting arrest,fleeing from cops... the only thing that the detective wanted,was for me to tell him where did i buy the stuff from and he would have let me walk,but i was afraid that i gave him the names those guys were going to come back and mess with my family,cars, house therefore i decided not to do it and took the case.They knew i was not involved in any of that but they just wanted me to testify against the people that did it. Before i submitted my app I did some research about the type of charges i had and in most of the places i looked it said that if your sentence was less that 90 days and it didn't involve violence or drugs it qualified. but its been so long that i just wanted to know if people with similar cases had been approved. I did send all of the court information with my application. And yeah i understand you're not trying to crush my dream,you just giving me a bit of info and I appreciate it ....and now all i can do is wait.
  22. Originally In Nebraska

    Im on the same boat ,but i sent mine on Dec you have any type of crimes i think thats what is holding mine up...