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Everything posted by jquintero

  1. About ten months for me as well.... Not sure what there waiting for..... All I keep saying and hearing is soon..... There is no other choose, unfortunately. We will wait. For all we know, the next day might bring better news.
  2. Over 9 Months ! :(

    ...I completely agree.
  3. 8 Months Waiting

    Congratulations! I've been on and off for over a couple months here, seeing a lot of your posts and when I read this! Your cards being in production It made me smile! Still nothing for me.... Soon I hope. One day I'll being eating cereal and get news like this. I'll be calling for a service request tomorrow, see if I can get a little more information. Congrats again!
  4. Still waiting.... Well I sent them an email; As I mentioned in my last post and this is what they said: "USCIS records show that your case is pending background check clearance. USCIS is committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely manner while also ensuring public safety and national security. A small percentage of applications and petitions have unresolved background check issues that temporarily delay adjudication. Although USCIS makes every effort to resolve such cases promptly, USCIS is unable to speculate when the background check will be completed. Upon gathering and assessing all available information, USCIS will adjudicate the application as quickly as possible. If you have not heard anything within two months, please contact customer service to complete a service request for status." Keep in mind I got a response from them on March 5th.... Also I have absolutely NO criminal background; finished high school a month early, went to a technical university and finished with a 4.0 GPA AND honors... I can assure them that they have no reason shape or form to think I'm a "public safety and national security" threat. I think everyone that is patiently waiting is on the same grounds as me or even make better qualifiers then me; but I'm well aware, that no matter where you stand in this or no matter when you turned in your application/Bios you still have to wait. On another note; Its beyond words how frustrating it is to hear a person that applied in January did the Bios and got accepted the following month say " hang in there" or "be patient". That is because they have no clue how it feels to be waiting for over 6 months for an opportunity that we have all been waiting for the moment we got here and not hear anything other then continuing to stare at the "initial review" of death page. (I'm NOT referring this to any one on this form I say this in general) Despite everything above, something even more frustrating to the point of depression is to hear someone give up. No matter how much anxiety, anger, and despair this is causing us we should never give up.The time will come when we will no longer have to stare at the "initial review" page, but focus on getting our dream job. So even as much as we hate hearing this we must be patient and remember that "The best things in life don't come with out a struggle" Once again God is good, with much respect to all and the best wishes, Jaime Quintero P.S I will be calling USCIS, in the coming weeks to see about "completing a service request for status" (Don't doubt one bit that they will tell me the same thing, but worth a try)
  5. I'm on the same boat as every one here claiming "It's taking to long". My signature should hold all the information (Sorry I'm new to this). I have to say that I'm quite frustrated. I can't imagine every one else that has applied before me. You know what makes it worst when you see friends or family members that apply after you and they have already been approved, SSN, and Job. I mean I'm happy for them don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for every one that has had this opportunity. It's a dream come true for most of us. Just that I feel I have been patient enough. Right? It's funny because I complain about this when ever the topic is brought up amongst friends and I'm like "this is taking to F*&%#ing long!!" then there like "how old are you?" "21" "what are 4-6 months compared to you waiting 21 years for this opportunity?"... It makes me laugh and then I'm like "Ture" but a week or two later I'm back at it again "this is taking to F*&%#ing long!!". I'm sorry I'm not hear to boar everyone with my silly stories or I'm not sure if any one will even see this; but for some odd reason sharing this with every one has made me feel a little better. At lest I'm not the only one and not the only one pulling there hair out with anxiety! Again I'm sorry not sure if posting this here is correct, but hey it was great expressing my self. God is good, and every one hang in there! P.S I'm sending them (USCIS) an email, Is that OK?