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Everything posted by Mee

  1. I pray to God this is my week to get approved! Come on California Center approve those August applications!!!!

    1. analee02
    2. Fresita22
    3. GcG


      The long wait will pay off got my fingers crossed for you.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  2. :''( Why God??

    I'm sorry to hear this. When did you send your application?
  3. Hopefully today is my day. After waitng 7 months and 6 days I hope get that text saying I am approved.

  4. Congrats to everyone who has been approved these last couple of days!! I pray to God that tomorrow more people are approved as well as myself!!!!

    1. jose2pac0_8


      Yes I hope I get approved 2 they received my rfe last Wednesday and most people are getting approved the week after so I hope this is my week...

    2. JEFF


      Amen !!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. congrats...what is your timeline?
  6. latinagirl Im so happy for you Congrats!! Hopefully I am next and everyone else who has been waiting!!!!
  7. Approved Unexpectedly!!

    I think you can do one yourself online..I believe the e-request and service request is the same thing. But Gino10 did you wait 30 days to complete another service request?
  8. jbr28 what is your timeline? I've noticed a some people getting approved this week and they sent theirs in August and September. Also, what office was it at?
  9. Approved Unexpectedly!!

    Thanks Gino and congrats!!!!!!
  10. How Long Have You Been Waiting

    7 months!! This waiting is horrible
  11. Finally!

  12. Approved Unexpectedly!!

    Gino what is you timeline? When did you send your application?
  13. what did you say to speak to a level 2 rep. Everytime I call they won't let me speak to them.
  14. I am still waiting diego. i just hit seven months yesterday. I sent my application around the same time you did in august. My application is being processed in California.
  15. It doesn't help much. It will basically tell you to wait. I called and spoke to a level 2 person and it was no help for me.
  16. Hey Guys!

    I am in the same boat as the both of you. I have done everything I could possibly think of and all they keep telling me is to wait and there are some representatives that say I should hear something by a certain date and I don't hear anything. Tomorrow will be seven months that I have been waiting
  17. Thank you juan and tarmo35. Im calling right now! Hope i get good news!!
  18. Juan I would like to know as well I have been waiting seven months now. Could you please inbox me too?!
  19. So I called USCIS today and asked about my case again. The representive that I spoke with told me she was going to put in some sort of note on the computer for an agent to look at my case since I have been waiting for so long. Do you all think she told me that just to get off the phone or she actually can do something like that?
  20. Basically you just keep waiting. They received my rfe on November 2nd. I did do a service request and basically it said that there isn't an agent working on my case but once someone looks at it they will try to work on it as fast as they can.
  21. 6 Months + 15 Days

    Basically you just have to keep waiting. I haven't heard of anyone that has been waiting longer than six months who has gotten approved. Next week I'll be going on seven months and all they can tell me it when an agent starts working on my case they will work on it as fast as they can.
  22. I hope today is our day to get approved!!!

  23. Congrats i hope you i get approved soon ive been waiting a little over six months now!!
  24. Eric Congrats...whats your timeline