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About diana2290

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    Santa Ana, CA
  1. Approval Question

    Hello Dreamers, I have found a few people on the outside who have been approved with PODP charges but not violent charges. Can anyone tell me if they have been approved after having a violence "significant misdemeanor" expunged? Thanks!
  2. Social Security Number Ever Used?

    When submitting evidence like W-2 and paystubs, the fake ssn shows up partially. Will they overlook this or question it? I am planning on putting none but i'm wondering once they see the evidence of paystubs will they deny it?
  3. Approval Question

    I posted this question in the general DACA questions forum but have not received many answers. I know for immigration purposes that the record will show up and the "expungement" doesn't mean it is erased. Before an expungement someone with a Significant Misdemeanor can not even apply, after an expungement it makes them eligible to at least apply. My questions is, How many approvals, if any, have been after having SM expunged? Has anyone been approved after having a significant misdemeanor expunged? Thanks!
  4. Thanks for your input. Does anyone else know of anyone who has been approved after having a significant misdemeanor and having it expunged?
  5. I found a bank statement but no transactions for that date. It has transactions for June 13 and 17 2012. Would this work as evidence?
  6. Hello, Thanks to those of you that have replied. I am trying to get information everywhere because I know that they are doing it on a case by case and all the legal advice we have seeked so far is not very promising. The thing is I am US Citizen and I petitioned my husband back in February 2011 however our "lawyer" told us he would not have to leave the country and it turns out once I got the NVC notices and documents that was when we found out that he lied and my husband was going to have to leave for his Visa appointment. At the time my husband was the only one working and I was pregnant so him leaving was not an option. It still isn't. So I am still in communication with the NVC just so that our case does not close. I paid the Affidavit of support fee and the Visa App fee but have not submitted the actual documentation yet. However in December 2011 once our son was born and my husband lost his job we had a domestic violence indicident. We were basically fighting and he slapped me and my instinct was to call the police. I am a psychology major so my gut told me this was the right thing to do. I know I am giving out maybe too many details but just so that you understand the background. After speaking to lawyers about this they basically told me if we continued the process and he left to Ciudad Juarez for his Visa Appointment that he would automatically be denied. Thus him staying in Mexico for who knows how long. This is why we paused the I-130 process. This is where my DACA quesiton comes in. If it were not for his record, he would be eligible for DACA. After the DV incident happened we were separated for about 2 months due to the restraining order, at which point we went to court to get it removed because we had reconciled. He finished his 52 week batterer's course(requirement), I went to a 10 week PEP course (optional), we got rid of the restraining order, we each went to individual and couples counseling, we took parenting classes, and are both current students. We now realize what was the cause of our problems and have learned from our mistakes. He was given 2 days in jail on paper but only served about 4 hours because his mom bailed him out, 8 hours of community service, his 52 week class, and 4 years informal probation. Besides this incident he's only had traffic tickets (driving w/o license, speeding) and 1 ticket because he had an open container of beer at the beach (bbq) but it was after hours. Other than that nothing else. He filed to get his record expunged in May 2013 and received a call last month that they are still working on it but that there are many applicants and that his application might take longer. Which at least gives us hope that it will be expunged. Our plan is to apply and the worst that can happen is that it gets denied. However i'm not sure if we should if no one else in a similar situation has ever gotten approved. Any advice? PS. My husband will be 27 in January 2014 and he has been here since he was 10 years old.
  7. does anyone know of anyone who has been approved for DACA after having their record expunged?
  8. I know for immigration purposes that the record will show up and the "expungement" doesn't mean it is erased. Before an epungement someone with a SM can not even apply, after an expungement it makes them eligible to apply. My questions is, How many approvals, if any, have been after having SM expunged? Thanks, Diana
  9. Welcome to the forums diana2290 :)