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Everything posted by itzel

  1. I really think waiting 10 days is personal choice. I personally believe its 7-10 days after the VALID FROM date on ones EAD card. My VALID FROM date is 10/8/12 and today was 8 days. To all good luck when applying for the SS card. Our moment of triumph has come...
  2. SSN experience

    This is my personal experience: Every EAD card has 2 dates. The VALID FROM and EXPIRES. Ill use my dates as an example, my EAD is valid from 10/8/12-10/7/14. If we do our math, 10 days after the VALID FROM date would be 10/18/12. Today is the 10/16. I took a risk and applied for my new SS card just because I already have a SS card and therefore, I assume I exist in the system. I went prepared with the the printed out and filled out application found on the SS website, my original and certified birth certificate, my EAD, my consulate ID, a bill under my name ( just to prove present address) and the letter from USCIS stating that I had been approved for DACA. I even took my high school diploma. I prefer to be over prepared than under prepared. I got to the SS office at about 9AM. They hadnt opened yet and there was a line of about 20 people. As soon as they open there was a security guard and another man asking the reason one is there and handing out tickets/number. I noticed there are 2 catergories. Tickets A and Ticket B. From my assumption, not fact,Ticket A was handed to individual who have a SS card and were just applying for a new card, either because of change of last name or in my case because I obtained my EAD. Ticket B was for individuals who wanted to handle cases with SS benefits or military benefits. My number was A6.I waited at the most 20 minutes in a line until I was seen by the next available teller. I told her I was there to change the status of my present SS card to VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT because I had just received my EAD. She asked to see it and all the questions I had answered on the application available on the SS website, she asked again. I didnt have to hand over my printed out application. She DID NOT ask me for birth certificate or anything else. She just asked to see my EAD and to confirm my SS #. After that she gave me a print out and told me I was updated on their system and ready to go. She told me to expect my new card within 2 weeks. I would be keeping the SAME number, therefore no need for me to go back and wait for a new # to be created for me. With this print out, if asked my potential employers to see my card, I have a 2 week window to present that card but my # is activated from NOT VALIID FOR EMPLOYMENT to VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT. Overall, this process was fairly quick and fast for me. I was out of the SS office in about 30 minutes. I hope everyone elses process goes as smoothly.
  3. Went to SS Office, received my receipt and can start applying for jobs tomorrow!!!

    1. itzel


      I went to "activate" my SS # today. I already have a SS #, so the EAD just removes the NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT restriction. Up to where I know the DMV needs the physical card.

    2. C_Air23


      Oh I see.. Ok cool thanks for the heads up!! Ahh I'm gonna go to SSA office on Thursday to get mine.. Before I get the physical card

    3. itzel


      Glad to help..

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  4. Super excited to be going to the SS Office to apply for new card, I'll let you all know how it goes..

    1. Aled


      Fantastic! Very cool you're in that stage. Good for you!

    2. C_Air23


      I'm going tmo too!! Ahhhh I got my EAD today n going tmo...DMV next week so exciting

  5. Super excited to be going to the SS Office to apply for new card, I'll let you all know how it goes..

  6. Biometrics

    Hi... Just like EnJR said, after sending in your applications, youll receive notices that USCIS received them and to what service center they were routed. Then you can expect a biometrics appointment and then the waiting game. Good luck.
  7. Sorry,no..Im also in Texas but I dont see why you shouldnt try it..the worst they can do is tell you to come back on your appointment day. Welcome to the forum.
  8. A passport is not required to fill out the application. If you have it good, if not its ok.
  9. Hey there!

    Congrats!!! I can now open my psychic hotline, for I predicted your approval this week and I was right!!! LMAO...Just kidding, congrats and enjoy your day...
  10. I think the ones that have applied and have been approved up to now are going to be some of the quickest approvals. A lot of DREAMERS are hesitant to apply either because they dont have enough funds for the fees or the consequences of their applying, either fear of family being deported or them being rejected. Now that these DREAMERS see that many have applied and are being approved theyll start applying.
  11. SSN after 2 years..

    Exactly. I was under the impression that October 8th was a holiday and most government offices didnt work. Yet, my EAD has the valid date starting at October 8th. I got the approval text the 9th so how could my card be validated on the 8th if they didnt work? Anyways, Ive read to wait 10 days after the valid from date on the EAD, so Ill be going Tuesday to start my SS card process. On DAP theres a bunch of DREAMERS that already received their EAD and already applied for the SS card or are in the process. Theyre pretty helpful if you talk to them.
  12. Drivers Liccense/ID...SSN

    I have a SS card with the restriction of NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT. I hope to be able to keep my number and just have the restriction lifted. Here in TX one of the main supporting documents to determine identity to apply for an ID or DL is a PHYSICAL SS Card. This is aside from a birth certificate and paperwork from USCIS detailing one is legal to be here in the US or is authorized to work. A printout that the SS card is on the way isnt enough. Therefore, I will have to wait until I obtain my PHYSICAL SS card to apply for a TX ID or DL. I will also be applying for both and I believe in my personal opinion that both will expire when my EAD does. It will be a hassle and very annoying to have every 2 years to renew EAD, DL, SS Card, and ID but I shouldnt complain much, I finally have the opportunity to feel normal... Yes, a SS # doesnt expire, up to where I know, but the restrictions on it can be lifted or added as ones status changes, until one obtains either permanent residency or citizenship.
  13. SSN after 2 years..

    Ive also seen a lot of discussion for one to wait 10 days after one had recieved their EAD card to go and apply for their SS card or 10 days after the date thats listed on your EAD card as Valid from: In other words, on my EAD card it says valid from 10/8/12-10/7/14. 10 days after 10/8/12 would be 10/18. Ill be going to the SS office on Tuesday since I have an appt and errands to run near the offices. By then itll be 8 days, I hope it goes smoothly. Ill let you all know on this forum. Ive seen/heard of other DREAMERS have the process of obtaining a SS card very smoothly, while others seems to take longer on being verified. I personally think its because a lot of people didnt agree with DACA being passed and will do anything to slow this process down.
  14. One of the things that I admire the most about this country, is that the legal process leaves areas that can be "gray". It doesnt only dicatate its only "black" and "white", it leaves us the possibility of "What if?" or "gray" areas. Ive come to the realization that perhaps if we could go back in time, with our now present "maturity", to the moment we were brought to this country illegaly by our parents, relatives, etc, we might opt to not come at all due to the time and struggles, not only finacially, but some of the emotional strain our illegal status has caused us. Im not saying all of us would opt to not enter the country at all, but Im sure at least 1 or 2 would, just to avoid all the "difficulties". However, thats not the case. Whats done is done. We were brought to this country either illegaly or legally and then our visas/passports/etc expired and we continued here. Due to our age, most blame/responsibilty is put on the parents shoulders. Every case is different and to me that these "professors" seem to put us all in the same category is very ignorant. Its like me judging all white blue eyed men I see as KKK members just because they meet the profile. I believe one shouldnt open their mouth and judge when one hasnt walked around the block in that persons shoes. These professors seem to just be talking out of their ass and not considering that the circumstances are different for everyone.

    Received it yesterday, the 12th
  16. Before we came into the picture, those few or plentiful jobs available (depending on your city) were first available to citizend or legal residents. If these individuals were qualified to fill such positions, then theyd have said jobs. However, if those jobs havent been filled and now that many of us DREAMERS will be entering the workforce, qualify for said position, well, thats just the way the cookie crumbles. I have pondered many times over and over again, what if its fate? What if its destined that a particular job be given to an approved DACA applicant? Citizens and legal residents were given first chance at thesJobs are given to the candidate who meets all or most of the qualifications. Regarding college, we all know that to attend college one must pay their way for it. Whether by loans, grants, scholarships, or just out of pocket. I dont consider college to be an absolute "MUST", I see it as a personal choice. Some people like schooling, some people dont. If one has the means to pay for this, then it shouldnt really matter ones "status". Before DACA came into the picture, in 2009, I was able to save enough $ to pay my way through a summer semester at a local college. I obtained alll A's in these classes. I wasnt able to continue going to college due to lack of money, but going to college, even for a short while, helped me realize that if given the opportunity, I was able to succeed in my classes. Now that things have changed, I will be working and going to school to obtain my degree in my dream career.
  17. Will you?

    I will be an organ donor. It isnt like after I die, wherever Im going, I will have the use or need for my organs, at least one of my last acts here on Earth, should be to help someone who needs it.
  18. I understand that we all want MORE but I feel we must still be aware that this step, DACA Approval, is at least 1 step towards our long term goal, being able to be legal in a country we know as "home". We must walk, before we jog and ultimately run towards the finish line. I believe its best to wait just a little after whoever wins the election to see where we are heading, hopefully Obama winning, he will keep his promise and grant us the DREAM Act. I find it tedious that we'd have to every 2 years be renewing the EAD, the SS card and in TX, the DL. But, I shouldnt really complain, after all, Ill finally be able to feel "normal" and work.
  19. Hey there!

    Thanks Mary. I received my EAD today sooo Im super happy. USCIS is really doing a good job.
  20. I agree that this is a temporary solution and unfortunately it seems its just a way of being legally "illegal". I also think we will have to work hard, for when the time comes to renew and we are asked, "What have you done these 2 years?" I can show that Ive been productive. I do hope that if Obama wins he grants us what we've been waiting for, the official DREAM Act. I received my EAD today and am already studying the drivers manual for Texas. I will apply for a SS card as soon as possible and by the time I recevive it, I will be ready to take my DL test. Good luck to everyone!!!
  21. Wow!!! USCIS I am sooo proud of you!! Got approved Tuesday and today Friday, I received my EAD!!!

    1. Beebee


      Omg I hope I get it as fast as u did because theirs a job opening for me and I need it ASAP

    2. linda2305


      congrast itzel

    3. Luna


      Congratulations once again :D

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    This is nothing....after you get the texts that they received it....then you can expect your biometricss appointment and after that the real waiting game begins...
  23. Hey there!

    Welcome and I was also routed to Nebraska Center..look at my signature..any day now you'll receive good news about being approved. I got my bio 2 days before you. I expect for you to be hearing from USCIS at the latest next week...
  24. Official Texas Approval or Pending Thread

    Texas Service Center is alive after all...