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  1. Foreign Passports No Good As Id

    @tori oh yeah I am from Bay Area too. I try to be the last one to enter so my friends won't see lol. For me, the nosy friends are the worst I once had a coworker ask me why I carried my mex passport and then he continued asking me questions about how I got my residency and when did my parents get here! I think I was the first nonwhite person he was friends with and was just curious but I was so annoyed. Another bad one was with a classmate that travels a lot (international student and very annoying) we were out in a group and he said Ohhh can I see your passport, I thought he just wanted to see the pic but he starts flipping through it and says " I want to see your stamps! "And there are no stamps, obviously!!! So then he starts screaming, "you have no stamps!! How did you get in the country??!! Are you an illegal immigrant?? "He literally is speaking in the loudest possible voice. He is so obnoxious and says oh guys she might be illegal, at this point I've already said I am getting my ID renewed so I had to take out the passport and he was just messing with me but it was still super annoying... I had to play along with it cus I wasn't going to say shhh I am illegal hahahahaha
  2. The IRS will find you faster that immigration does. hahaha. Seriously, I am terrified of the IRS.
  3. Foreign Passports No Good As Id

    Where do you live? I've used my Mex passport in multiple states for bars, clubs, flying and never had a problem. Sometimes they look at it funny and if I am in a good mood and with friends that know of my status I pretend I am a tourist lol BUT what is my peeve is when my friends that don't know start asking about why I carry my passport around, then I have to make up some lame excuse.. lol.. like I am getting my state id renewed, or I lost my Id etc
  4. Daca Approved Only!!

    Hello Everyone, I am a regular poster on the DAP forum and I lurk here, but I've been too shy to say hello! Actually, I don't think I can handle 2 Dream Act forums, lol, but I like the community that you have here. I created a survey to get information about length of approvals, see if the younger or older ones are getting approved first, etc So Approved People, can you please fill it out?! This survey is anonymous and it just basically asks to share a little bit more than what's in your timeline. It will take 5 seconds of your time and I will report the results at this time this week. I hope ya'll can help put some light into what the average approval times are these days, for those that are still waiting everyday seems like the DACA approval takes longer.. Thank you very much! @ivycali (my sn in DAP forum)
  5. Welcome to the forums friendscene :)