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B3autifulxNightmar3 last won the day on September 14 2013

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About B3autifulxNightmar3

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    Junior Member

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  1. Initial Review

    I got approved!!!!!
  2. Initial Review

    Today I received an email saying my name relating to the I-821D has been changed and updated? does anyone know what that means?
  3. Initial Review

    You are right. I shouldn't give up hope. Its just hard sometimes.
  4. Initial Review

    No I haven't received any noticed at all, I feel like my case went into a black hole or something. I have done two service inquiries and they tell me to be patient..how much more patient can I be. I need a job to get the medical help I need.
  5. Initial Review

    Guys its been 10 months and im sill waiting I lost my patience already. I give up..im pretty sure I got denied. Sad thing is I don't know places that I can work here under the table
  6. Working Days Calculator

    i have waited 128 days and it sucks
  7. Where do you look to find a new job?

    www.monster.com is a good job site...look in the newspaper but if your looking to be hired for a corporate you will have to apply online
  8. Feedback Plz?

    From what i've been hearing not alot of people have been applying even after the elections because they dont have the money...so im guessing the fact that the service request wont speed up the process sounds more logical to me...I dont like the fact that they cant give us a time anymore so im assuming this can practically take up to a year...
  9. Feedback Plz?

    ok guys i called the number and the representative told me that they are no longer doing service requests...They started out by saying that it would take 4-6 months and now they dont know how long its going to take so they can no longer do service requests.. Kerry when did you do a service request on yours?
  10. Feedback Plz?

    Thank you! will give them a call today and see what they say..
  11. Feedback Plz?

    Thank God i was worried Nebraska was the slowest center of all
  12. Feedback Plz?

    How do i do a service request hun? congrats on getting your EAD...how do i do a service request...im afraid that my move might have affected the time length..
  13. Feedback Plz?

    I am from Texas and my Application was sent to the Nebraska Service Center, but i moved to Colorado so are they suppose to send them to another Service Center?
  14. Anyone Applied In Late 2012? Or 2013?

    I applied October 29, 2012 December 3, 2012-biometrics taken and my status is still pending? My service Center is Nebraska...