Genziha, thank for taking the time to tell me about your story, I feel your pain , as I red over your comment, life for us dreamers is hard here. I've been blessed to have both my parents here by my side with this struggle. They too feel my pain,working jobs that don't value or are or potential. I've done it all , from waiting tables to cutting grass, you name it, yea its a living and you make little money, bit deep inside you know you were meant to do more with our life's then this. I remember the year after my graduation I saw all my friends get accepted into four year colleges with full tuition paid. And I would get asked where would I be going that following fall, I couldn't help it look down and lie. That summer fed up with my situation here I packed my bags and left to Mexico. I enrolled in school out there , but quickly realized that I hd made I huge mistake . You see Mexico is not a safe place to be , sure it was great swing my relative I hadn't seen in years since I was a boy. But the horrible things you would hear on the news, about killings and kidnappings . I missed my family and the safety I had here. I realized that Mexico was not for me. The place that saw my birth was a strange and unfamiliar land. Fearing for my life I tried to come back home , I was certain that by applying for a visa , I would be granted way back "home" . But instead the lady at the embassy bared me and gave me ten years ban from entering the US. I was devastated . I felt like I had no place to call home . I felt unwanted , and lower the dirt. I though I was going to get killed in Mexico if they found out I had family in the US. Since they have a tendency to kidnap and kill the victim if the family doesn't pay the ransom, like a classmate at the class I attended. Sad to say. He was killed and cut into pieces , his family in Las Angeles, didn't cone up with. 25 thousand dollar ransom. Fearing that I was lucky enough to come home safely, ut even that was another mile stone in my life. So I've been though a lot. I've been teased, bullied for being illegal. But I've managed to keep my he'd up. Everthing happens for a reason. God works in mysteries ways. We just have to keep pur faith strong, and hope these laws pass, for the best. I love this country and I would die serving to protect it, even after all the hurt its brought up in my life .