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Everything posted by nemo

  1. hey! im so tired of waiting. I got my bio taken on November 23 and now on that april starts its been 4 months and im tired of waiting. I have my father who i last saw when i was about 3yrs old really ill in mexico and its a bad situation. Im scared i might not see him. idk what to do I just wanna give up. Some times i wonder what it they come 2late. and when im ready to meet him. he might not be there, Im tired of waiting and im tired of hugging my pillow im wanna hug him.
  2. Hi!!! I'm Nemo

    I was made in 94 in Mexico so i'm consider a chilanga i came here to h-town when i was about 6. I'm still waiting to get a YES on my documents. I work and go to college. What about you guys?
  3. I got my paper work :)

    1. engineer2mike


      Did you double check everything? I bet it's alot of pages :)

  4. When Will They Arrive?

    he just left us. i will never see him. he will rest in paradise
  5. Finally!

    aww readying this made my day. im so happy for you
  6. im tired of waiting

  7. Hi!!! I'm Nemo

    Thank you!! ya are soo nice
  8. that is so unpleasant. How do they even dare to do that. There going back to ww2 how they made the Jews wear the yellow star. We are all human they need us like we need them. It sucks that just because of some documents we are discriminated and will continue after we get them. Seems like we will never be treated equally.