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Everything posted by andrei

  1. I know i didn't keep a timeline here, i did it more on a mental note, hah but after 6 in a half months I finally got approved! I got 2 emails from USCIS saying my I821D was approved as well as the authorization for employment, and got an email shortly after saying they shipped out my EAD card w/ a tracking number and everything and it's expected to arrive on the 20th! So now my question is, what's next? Do I use that EAD card to get my CA ID, SSN card and everything? or should I wait until the other letter they sent out with the approval of the I821D gets in the mail? and What's exactly in that letter? or is it just a notice like a *proof of purchase or *receipt so to speak and what did you guys do after you guys got approved? nothing related to getting your license and other things? like any personal celebrations? planned an event? did something that required an ID? anything! I'm curious because a lot of people have been there for me since day 1 (friends/family) and I wanted to do something in celebration but not sure what, as well as do something for myself.
  2. Hi, got a call from my lawyer about a month ago saying they received a Request for evidence notice in April 11, 2012 (to be exact) stating I needed to show evidence of my residency from February 2012 to October 2012 as well as proof I was in the United State in June 15, 2012. thankfully, I have numerous receipts from the Hospital, as well as bills, and transaction histories from my debit card as well as an official letter from my College stating my admission in 2012, However, my lawyer has the original notice of the Request for Evidence letter and he scent me a scanned copy of it, I did not receive the letter and only knew about it when my Lawyer contacted me. My question is, is it OK for my to send the scanned copy of the Request for evidence notice? or do I have to send the original? I'm having trouble contacting my lawyer, I've left numerous e-mails and messages on his telephone number and I am unable to drop by his office because he lives in LA and I live Northern CA, AND the final day to send the evidence is in July 4, 2013 which is a little more than a month away which is getting me a little worried.
  3. Whats Up?!

    I wanted to introduce myself, My name is Andrei I came to the States in 1990 from philippines because I needed an open heart surgery and I was accepted by St. Judes to have that operation, I ended up permantely staying my visit after my mom realized we had a better opportunity over here. I was given an artifical heart valve and have to take blood thinners or (anticougulants) for life every 2 weeks I get a blood test to see the level of my blood if its too low I form blood clots with raises the risk of a stroke, which actually happened to me last year. I was paralyzed completely from the right side and took me months to recover. Having the opportunity to change my life with the deffered actions act is a dream come true for me. All my life I've wanted to get a good job to take care of my family since I'm almost done with college and now I have the chance to. I'm really hoping the process is as quick as possible so I can try to help my mother with our financial problems, she unfortunately was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and she's been battling it ever since I'm just praying one day I we can finally rid ourselves from all of these bills and problems and live the way she pictured us living.
  4. I recently recieved my biometrics appointment, and in 2 weeks, however I'm stuck in a dilemma because I have no government issued ID. my passport was lost when I was younger and I don't have a CA ID or any other state issued ID however, I have a College ID, numerous ones in fact from each semester I attented college. I heard there are some places that will accept school IDs and some that don't I wanted to know what my options are if they don't accept my school ID I have my birth certificate (from the Philippines) about 3 different school IDs copys of my USCIS recipts, appointments and copys of my I-821 form w/ copies of my school IDs, High school Diploma, history of my attendance in school etc. I looked up the Support Center online for my city but I couldn't find any telephone numbers or any contact information does anyone know what I shouild go or could do? I feel like I'm so close but I'm afraid this bind might be troublesome with my process and I can't figure out what to do
  5. July 4th is the due date so it's coming up!
  6. btw I forgot to add, that my lawyer also told me to send him copies of my documentations scanned via email (which I did) for him to forward to USCIS, I'm not sure if I should wait for him to finally contact me back with the deadline drawing ever so closer, or if I should just send all the paperwork myself.
  7. Whats Up?!

    Thanks everyone! and i sent my application around December and got the notice on february 26th I have my Biometrics this month, in the next week in a half actually which led me here because I had questions and concerns about it (which I posted in another topic) and everyone has be so kind and helpful so far I'm very grateful.
  8. yeah that was the other situation I had in the Philippines once your over 18 and your not in that residence you give up your Citzenship, so in order for me to get my Passport again I would have to get a dual citzenship by traveling over there which i can't even do since I wasn't even a citzen here, the lawyer that I talked to that did my paperwork explained this to me haha I swear I have the worst luck ever.
  9. that was the problem we had, when the van got broken into everything was stolen, our temp visa, ssn, and all that other stuff so we couldn't get another one because we had no proof of who we were. so I have no way of getting a new passport,
  10. we lost my passport when I was younger, we were living in our van when we first moved to the CA and it was broken into and we couldn't get another copy of it :/