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Everything posted by Maria123t

  1. Some Advice Please?

    Hi guys, I know I'm kinda late, I bet almost all of you already got approved and I'm really really happy for you all! a few months ago I was decided to do it, but then with all the immigration reform thing I decided to wait but then, I lost my hope.. And now I wanna try! even when I don't have the support from my family I've been saving money I want to use it in this It's just that when I first came here, my family and I were so afraid to go out and use our real names, I don't know why, maybe because we had the hope to go back to mexico.. but well, almost all our bills were in different names, so I don't have like a lot of receipts. I swear I have neeever went to the doctor or to the dentist or something like that, maybe some of you knows how I feel.. My mom doesn't have like a "real" job, so she doesn't receive a check or something like that. In this case, we don't pay taxes, and I know it's wrong and I think illegal, but I seriously had tried to tell my mom to do it, but she doesn't listen to me, as I told you, I don't receive support from my family. I've think that maybe I can do it, but I don't even have a job, I have tried to look for one, but in everywhere they ask me for my SSN, and obviously I don't have one. People have told me to get a fake ID with a fake SSN but I'm afraid guys, one of my friends went to jail just because they found him with fake ID's and stuff.. I don't really know what to do, I don't have someone to ask for advice, that's why I am here I never wanted to come here in this way, but now there's nothing I can do about it, I just wanna try to do it for me, to get a better future and get a job I hope you don't judge me thank you so much And sorry for my grammar
  2. Hola a todos, yo soy nueva aqui, estoy en texas desde que tenia 14 aƱos. Soy originaria de saltillo. y la verdad es que todavia no me animo a hacer lo del dream act. Fui a ver a un abogado y me dijo que es lo que necesitaba, comprobantes y todo eso.. asi es que por lo que he estado leyendo en los documentos que tengas de aqui, necesitas tener tu nombre completo.. o estoy equivocada? Mi nombre es Maria Guadalupe Herrera gutierrez y desde que entre a college en todos los documentos he abreviado mi nombre como Maria G. Gutierrez. No se si sea valido o si me vayan a decir que no soy yo. El abogado la verdad es que no me explico mucho. Y desde que llege aqui nunca fui a un hospital por miedo a la deportacion, solo tengo los recibos de las vacunas. y tambien solo tome el GED nose si sea correcto enviar recibos y cuentas bancarias que esten a nombre de mi mama desde que llegamos,, junto con los recibos de renta La verdad es que no se ni por donde empezar Gracias por sus respuestas
  3. Some Advice Please?

    Now I'm using my real name, but I took the GED when I was 17, I never went to high school, I was taking private English classes when I first came, but do you think I need to ask for receipts or just a latter that can confirm I went there? I never thought about the church, that a good idea, I will ask, maybe they can help me. thank you so much
  4. Affidavit?

    Theresa como esta eso de facebook? Les tienes que dar tu cuenta? O imprimir el email que te mandan cuando te registras?
  5. Intial Review Interview Please Help!!!!!!!

    Omg now I'm so afraid to send my application.. What kind of documents did you send?
  6. Muchas gracias a todos por su ayuda y sus comentarios, voy a tratar de reunir todos lo que pueda. En cuanto a mi nombre creo que voy a recurrir a una carta notariada que lo explique. Y creo que buscare a otro abogado haha muchas gracias por su ayuda de verdad
  7. Approved!!! Case Transfer From Vermont To Nebraska!!!!

    omg congrats!!