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Everything posted by lyssa

  1. Boston Bombing Discussion

    I was watching Lucy when my T.v was interrupted to broadcast the terror of what had happened.. Honestly, I instantly felt terrible for all the people who had been there and all who were still trying to get away!Unfortunately the news are really graphic, and my 4 year old was watching t.v with me, I can't stand her watching things like that! and my heart goes out to the mothers of all those who were injured. Good, innocent people died and were hurt for reasons nobody will ever know why. Whether this will affect the immigration reform: I really hope it doesn't, just like we don't categorized every single white person as a redneck they should not see every single immigrant as a terrorist!! What I do love is that no matter what happens you always see people who are willing to help, That's one thing this country is great for! We might fall as one but as thousands who stand together and rise to greater heights!! App sent:12/3/2012 App received:12/15/2013 Biometrics:2/1/2013 Rfe requested:4/1/2013 Rfe received:4/18/2013 Approval: Pending
  2. got a text...USCIS recived my RFE now i just hope everything is ok. :D

    1. erika020


      Best of luck! :)

  3. Congratulations! Good luck!
  4. California?

    I think it might be the fact that we live in a big city...I have cousins living up north in small towns and were approved within 3months.. So could it be that were in the city??? Either way HURRY UP laguna niggel!!!
  5. question,,,the only thing i have for rfe 6/15/2012 is a movie ticket...could it count???

    1. Gezinha


      it doesnt have to be something exactly from that date..if you paid a phone, electric, cable bill during that months, that counts as proof for being here throughout the entire month

    2. Calidreamer


      AMC has something called AMCSutubs its a membership where you can print out the activity you've had, it prints with your name and email.

    3. JoseG


      Would be a long shot if it doesn't have a name on it.

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  6. I agree, im married now with a citizen,, and have a pending case and was told by my lawyer to apply for daca, because it will make it much easier when our case continues and it'll help me not to get deported! Most deffentely apply,apply,apply!! lol..
  7. Finnaly recieved an RFE in the mail..hopefully i can find all my things by friday, so i can send it back ASAP!!

    1. Calidreamer


      Finally!! What are they asking for?

    2. lyssa


      proof from 2007-2008, which the person that helped me send my app had told me to send only from 2008-2012, Now I just need to find as many things as possible >.<

  8. received an email today...pretty much saying that i waited for nothing! the RFE was orderd but never sent, so now they gave me another 45 days waiting period, and this time is for eaither for my approval or denial notice! Looks like i worried for nothing! But hopefully this time around it DOES come!!

  9. Approved!!! Case Transfer From Vermont To Nebraska!!!!

    Congrats!! Yaaaaay!!
  10. Approved Today !

    Yaaay. .Congrats!!
  11. Exact same thing is happening to me!! Had my bio's done 2/1/2013, by 2/23/2013 it update saying I was sent an RFE, but nothing, called again an was told to wait more. 15 days. Already 3/27/2013 and NOTHING! this is driving me nutz! it scares me to think this could be some messed up way of them blowing me off,,, What really freaks me is not meeting that deadline that it talks about (??) and it won't even be my fault
  12. Hi..status check says: approved and mailed feb 23,2013... but havent receive nothing yet,already (mar 26,2013) nervous something went wrong :(

    1. Gino10


      Why u waited so long? U should have called them long time ago...

    2. lyssa


      Already called and was told to wait some more,,15 days

      So hopefully it does come!

      this is soooo nerve wrecking!!

    3. lyssa


      Thanks for the comments,,,didn't thought about tracking it..A must!!

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