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Frederico11 last won the day on April 8 2013

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About Frederico11

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    Atlanta, Ga
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  1. Help Please!!!

    @JoseG the year they are requesting for is 2010 so all my ebay transactions and history are no longer available. i did not check in on facebook during this time either. i have a couple pictures tagged with me and that is it. @profjouster i do not have xbox so no luck there either I looks like im going to have to think outside the box on this one. 2010 was 3 years ago so a lot of history is not stored for that long
  2. Help Please!!!

    hello fellow dreamers My sister and I sent our DACA applications in at the same time, October 11th 2012, and up to recently have not heard anything. My sister received a Request For Evidence 2 weeks ago so she sent her tax return for the requested year and was approved yesterday!!! I am so happy for her but now I received a RFE for the same year yesterday also. I am posting because i need some help as far as evidence. My bank statements stop the year before the requested year so do my phone statements. I have not been working either since then so i do not have any paystubs or tax returns. Can you guys help me with ideas for evidence so i can get that sent back as soon as possible and hopefully get my approval!!! thank you in advance
  3. Hello

    thank you all for the kind words. i am being very patient and am continuing to wait in good hopes. im glad to hear all the good news coming from people on this site, that is what helps me.
  4. Hello

    hello everybody I am frederico and i am originally from germany. i first came to the united states in 2004 when i was 14 years old. i came for high school on a visa under my mother. i finished high school and started college but my visa expired in 2007. i decided to stay past my visa stay since i had started a new life here. this started my life as an undocumented immigrant. life wasnt that much different at the beginning since i had a lot of documentation, (drivers license, work permit, social security card, etc...), but when these expired things got a lot harder. I dropped out of college because of a lack of funds and tried to continue working to save for school. finding a job got increasingly harder and harder because of my lack of documentation so i had to resort to odd jobs here and there to support myself. my mother moved out of the state so i am by myself now trying to support myself on next to nothing. i was arrested in 2010 for some minor misdemeanors and was put into removal proceedings by ice and uscis. i spent a month in immigration detention while they tried to figure what to do with me. i was released from immigration detention and had to wear an ankle bracelet for 6 months!!! i hated it. after my release i enter a program so i would not get convicted and did over 300 community service hours. eventually my charges were dismissed and expunged and my record was wiped clean. i had to report to ice on a monthly basis to "check in" and eventually my removal proceeding was taken to court. then president obama announced the dream act. i was overjoyed and couldnt wait to apply since i was eligible. i worked hard to find the $485 to file the application and did so and have been waiting since. i last went to immigration court in october and i presented my application for deferred action to the immigration judge there. their office decided to exercise prosecutorial discretion in my case and they stopped the removal process. i was really happy but i am still undocumented. i thought that because they stopped the removal process that i would be approved for deferred action really quickly but that has not been the case. i am still waiting but i have faith. as of right now i am doing everything i can to support myself until i get the documentation to be able to go back to school and continue my life.
  5. Welcome to the forums Frederico11 :)