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Everything posted by Francisco94

  1. Hello, I'm starting this new topic hoping to gain more insight on my situation. I was approved for deferred action a few months back and I recently got hired. I am not fortunate enough to have a job near my house like some, in fact, my job is 12 miles away and about a 25 minute ride on free way. I've been considering buying a car but just the thought of being pulled over has me terrified since I live in arizona. I found public transportation to be unreliable and being late to work is not an option. I get so depressed over this knowing that If I lived in another state, I would be safely driving without any worries. If anyone knows of any loophole I can take to recieve a license, please post it for everyone else that is in the same situation. I'm considering going to another state to take a driving test there but something tells me that it's not that easy. Thanks for reading.
  2. Hey guys after what I experienced today, I decided to come to this site and start a discussion on a new topic for which I cannot find any answers online and I hope someone here can clarify for me. Anyways, I went down to the T-mobile store today hoping to get an upgrade at a discounted price. The sales representative asked for my social as they told me that they were required to run a credit check. I am 18 and a beneficiary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. After trying and trying, I was forced to leave without a phone because my social security failed to show any info, infact it errored out. This has lead me to believe that all the social secuity numbers provided to us DREAMERS are different than those given to US citizens. I've also been trying to add my social to different online sites like my own bank account and it still errors out. I'm just really frustrated and can't understand what is going on here. The social security card itself does have a stamp that says for work only so my best guess is that these numbers come with restrictions. Thanks for listening and have a great day!
  3. Thanks guys for clearing that up! Now the hard part is building some credit.