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Everything posted by WGATAP

  1. 18 Days After Bios...approved!

    Wow that was fast !! What was his service center? Don't lose hope, it will be your turn soon. Best of luck !!
  2. I hope that this can help you out. http://www.wordstemplates.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Affidavit-Form.jpg
  3. The Senate Passed Cir

    I hope so, that would be great.
  4. The Senate Passed Cir

    People can start filing for RPI status once DHS submits a plan to secure the border. We won't be able to get green cards until the actual border is secured.Yeah that's true the wait will be very long.. Hopefully people can start getting their paperwork ready and saving up money so that they can at least be some of the first few to file. It's such a sad situation, but it's better than nothing.
  5. The Senate Passed Cir

    Yes definitely more approvals!! Only 14 out 46 republican senators voted, so it was a very close call. I am hoping that something can be passed by the end of summer so that some of us can spend the holidays with our families. It sucks knowing that someone other than you has full control of your life and all you can do is wait.
  6. The Senate Passed Cir

    There are more Republicans.
  7. The Senate Passed Cir

    Hopefully the House of reps will get to vote. House Speaker John Boehner says he won't bring to the floor for a vote unless it has the Republican majority support.
  8. The Senate Passed Cir

    Yes, I am trying to stay as positive as I can. It's finally our time. Life has been hard.
  9. Visa Overstays

    Oh ok, looks like I have a long way to go.
  10. Should I Worry?

    Just updating this for someone who might be going through the same situation. I emailed the Nebraska Service Center and they said my answer was fine.
  11. Went and got my Biometrics taken today. Feeling grateful and blessed. Now the waiting begins !!

    1. marco12
    2. WGATAP


      Thank you Marco

  12. Wondering when I will receive my bio metrics appointment. How long after you got your I-797 C Notice of Action did your bio appointment letter come?

    1. WGATAP


      I sent it may 11 and received my I-797 C Notice of Action on may 16th . It's being processed at the Nebraska service center.

    2. kayej87


      You will get ur appointment soon they usually send it 2 weeks before ur appointment they have to find n opening first before they send it so don't stress yourself out.

    3. WGATAP


      ok cool. Thanks guys

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. Should I Worry?

    Thanks guys will do !!
  14. Daca - New Month Of April Statistics

    It would be nice to know if there is a certain criteria that has to be met for an application to be sent to a certain service center.
  15. Case accepted today and has been sent to Nebraska. Wish me luck everyone !!

    1. kayej87


      Wishing you much blessings with this journey

    2. engineer2mike
    3. WGATAP


      Thank you everyone, I sent in really great evidence. I pray that I am one of the few fortunate ones who get approved fast.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. My Name Is Christian

    Congrats, a great future awaits !!
  17. Thanking God Almighty

    Congrats !!!
  18. Hello, Just Introducing Myself

    Happy Belated Birthday Hun !! Hope you had a blast
  19. Hello, Just Introducing Myself

    Thanks hun. I hope to make friends and hopefully that will keep my spirits up until I get approved.
  20. Approved, Key: Be Patient.

    Congrats !!!
  21. How Did You Find Adreamact.com?

    I google how long after sending DACA app do you get approved.
  22. Checked My Status And Im Finally Approved

    Awww congrats !!
  23. Hello, Just Introducing Myself

    I hope they sent it there, that would be awesome. I had initially thought it would go to Vermont since I'm closer to Vermont.