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About WilferDanielMedina

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    Boston, MA
  1. Hi Just Introducing Myself(:

    Heyy i am new to this too but my name is Daniel and i sent it in my app on november 26th took my bios december 31st and and still waiting? Sometimes i lose hope and get agrivated but then again i know its coming but it just agrivating because its taken like 3 or 4 months or everyone else i know so why is mine taking 6+ months. Its also really annoying becuz i bought a brand new motorcycle for the summer expexting to recieve my dava approval around reaching y six months but i havnt and cant drive it yet
  2. My application was recieved november 26, 2012 biometrics taken on december 31, 2012 and its now june 4,2013 and still on initial review. I tried putting in a service request i dont know how much that will help but havnt heard anything back yet but still within the 15 day limit they tell you of getting a response on that. And contacted my local congressman and its only been a couple of days but id like to know what anybody else has accomplished by taking the same steps as me. Thank you
  3. Need Ur Imput

    I tecieved the same in a email but doesnt seem to speed up anything since i sent in my application november 26th and its may 30th and still waiting. Got this notification about 2 months ago. Good luck let me know when you get approved ao i can cotinue to realize how much bs these processing times are.
  4. Welcome to the forums WilferDanielMedina :)