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Dreamer3oh3 last won the day on November 4 2013

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About Dreamer3oh3

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    Senior Member

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  1. Any February Applicants Still Waiting

    Don't loose hope! Some of us applied last year and it took us forever to get approved. It took me 9 months to get a decision. It's tough specially when you see people who applied later get approved. Hang in there!
  2. Daca Permit Lost

    dude that's a bummer good luck!!!
  3. Places To Travel With Daca

    Don't you need a passaport to travel on a cruise?
  4. Anyone Applied In Late 2012? Or 2013?

    I applied in oct and it took 9 months to get approved and then there are people here who applied later in 2013 an got approved right away!
  5. Careers After Your Daca.

    I'm trying to do business management but it's been super hard bcuz I'm working full time
  6. Ca Id And Ssn

    Mine is a 7 and my license is for 2 years
  7. Has Anyone Else...

    always try submitting a resume that always helps
  8. Rental Issues

    have you tried just renting a room or a basement? I would only ask paisas since they are more understanding or a really nonracist white person.
  9. Approved For Credit Card!!

    I wonder why we get that "can't not verify identity" bcuz I tried getting a paypal cc and I also got the same answer
  10. Resume With No Experience ?

    that's a sample resume for a kid with no experience but has a hs education, it helps if you have voluntereed.
  11. Resume With No Experience ?

    Sample Resume - High School - No Work Experience _____________ FirstName LastName 6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA 12333 home: 555.555.5555 cell: 566.486.2222 email: [email protected] Education Arlington High School, Arlington, Virginia 2002 - 2006 Experience Pet Sitter 2004 - Present • Provide pet sitting services including dog walking, feeding and yard care. Child Care 2002 - Present • Provide child care for several families after school, weekends and during school vacations. Achievements • National Honor Society: 2004, 2005, 2006 • Academic Honor Roll: 2002 - 2006 Volunteer Experience • Big Brother / Big Sisters • Arlington Literacy Program • Run for Life Interests / Activities • Member of Arlington High School Tennis Team • Girl Scout • Piano Computer Skills • Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet
  12. Medicinal Marijuana

    well i know here in colorado being on the medicated list is private and that's not something they share at all
  13. How Did You Find Adreamact.com?

    googled a question about daca and this was on the results
  14. Obtaining Car Insurance

    you are out of luck unless you somehow get a mexican license and get insurance thru an angency that takes foreign licenses. or you can have your car insiured under some1 who has a license but then you gotta make sure you don't fuck that person over, like my sister did to my bf.
  15. Places To Travel With Daca

    no you need your state id or drivers license which are both essentially the same