Nancy Mora

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Nancy Mora last won the day on July 6 2014

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About Nancy Mora

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  1. Its hard to say one of the things was you had to be here preaent in the US try calling lawyer and asking about this . Good luck
  2. Advance Parole

    Its basically applying to leave the US for a while but it has to be humantarian for example for school to study abroad, a sick relative and some other things fall under there check out the USCIS website
  3. Hello Everyone I'm New

    Hii Aaron Im Nancy i agree with everyone here dont give up its a long process.I been there people i knew sent it after me and receuved it first it was frustratung but i never gave up hope or anything stayed calm this forum is very helped good luck
  4. Advance Parole

    Ive heard you should contact a lawyer regarding this matter im sorry about everything you going thru but i suggest talking to a lawyer about it and go from there good luck
  5. Why Is It Taking Soo Long ?!?

    You should call maybe they made a mistake
  6. Biometric Question?

    I agree call nd ask it would suck if you went and they made you go home good luck
  7. Hi guysss today was my first day @ Compass Group I thank god for this job and my permit hope everyone is doing well :)

    2. Nancy Mora

      Nancy Mora

      Thank you hows it going for you?

  8. How Long For Work Permit To Come????

    Congratsss!! And I agree with all these answers i dont think it takes longer then 30 days
  9. One More Question!

    I believe thats correct you just talk to an immigration lawyer about this. Good luck
  10. Damn It Can't Find A Job!!!

    Have faith dont give up Ive been in your shoes more than once. The right job will come keep looking and never give up im sure you will find a great one soon
  11. I Want To Get This Over With!

    I agree have patience only god knows why it takes so long keep your head up
  12. Dreamers Nd Obama Care ??!!

    Im on the same questions i have heard no and yes and not sure anymore
  13. Sorry to hear that keep tour head up try giving them a call if possible
  14. Joel Sati, An Introduction.

    Nice to meet you Joel im Nancy I can understnd what you went thru because it relates to my story as well All we can do t this moment is keep pressuring for the Dream Act to pass nd congratsbon your merits nd continuing your education
  15. Hello Everyone!

    Hey im sorry to hear you have to wait so ling but hang in there mine almost hit the one year mark but i got it before i waited bout 8mths for mine. Getting that letter isnt est cause it makes you lose hope since they say it might take 6 months all i can say is keep your head up it will get to you good luck