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Everything posted by jr1234

  1. Alright, so I'm from southern califronia. I am 20 years old and I have decided to finally apply for the DACA. However, I went to la hermandad Mexicana in LA and they're charging about $300 for filling out the application? I know it's about $450 to submit the application but why in the hell are they charging $300 to help me fill it out? Can anyone help me? Where do I submit the application? Where can i receive help to fill the application?(free if possible) if anyone could tell me exactly what you did I'd greatly appreciate it.
  2. I thank you all for replying. I am located in Costa Mesa not so far from Anaheim. If you could reference the places you went I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, where do I submit it? I'm just lost. Haha
  3. Please check out my question, you seem to help out a lot of ppl. http://adreamact.com/topic/2905-filling-out-the-daca-application/