You've been so helpful I really appreciate all the info I'll definitely know how to handle the situation if it comes up again. My biggest concern was if the emoloyer after seeing the different ssn number would report it or cause me legal troubles
Yea I was approved and got my new ssn and work permit last year. I may be over thinking its just such a good job and I would hate miss out on it over something so trivial
I recently applied for a job with the county a few days ago I was asked to provide a copy of my w2's to proof my work history. I provided my w-2's and explained my situation to the lady conducting the check she stated it shouldn't be a problem but I'm still worried. Could I get in trouble for having used a fake ssn
I a currently going through the same issue right now, I provided my un blurred w-2's and explained my situation hr stated it shouldn't be a problem but I'm still worried. Could I get in trouble for having used a fake ssn?