dreams come true

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About dreams come true

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  • Birthday 08/28/1987

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  1. "request For Evidence"

    how long after RFE is sent do we get approved?
  2. Name Update

    So I just got an update on my case and It says I was denied! I really don't know why, I don't have a criminal record at all. I've never even been to jail. Life can be so unfair sometimes. It's just not fair that our life's can change with an unfair decision like this. Like all my dreams and hopes just got shattered! Felling lost
  3. Name Update

    I have a question. I checked my case yesterday and it says " We updated your name for I821D" What does this mean? I haven't updated anything.
  4. G.e.d Classes

    Thank you! @Theresa
  5. G.e.d Classes

    Has anyone got approved with just being enrolled in G.E.D Classes,and what did you send as proof?
  6. Rfe Of Ged

    @Julio C any updates on your case, did u get approved?
  7. Rfe

    I have a question: How long after you mail in the Rfe, will it take to get APPROVED?
  8. Welcome to the forums dreams come true :)