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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. Can't take the road test out of my head! Monday arrive already :P

    1. Calidreamer


      Just relax and enjoy the ride :D

      Good luck :D

    2. Osha


      I'm practicing before I schedule mine. :)

    3. Rawf


      I took the computer test in january and never got the appointment lol. I went on friday and the lady gave me the appointment for monday. 3 days after :o

  2. What Does This Mean

    Hoping so! Rooting for you guys!
  3. Yeah, the secured credit card from Bank of America is around the 24% which is extremely high and I've heard of people not getting their deposit back but that usually means they made a late payment at least once. You can always call and ask after the year has passed to see why they haven't returned the deposit.
  4. This is a topic to discuss credit cards, not books nor finances. Please keep on topic from this post, anything else will be deleted and member given a warning. Thank you.
  5. You've been employed at the same place with a fake ssn, it won't show on your real ssn. Just give them a call, I'm sure they will approve you for something. After all you've been a customer for years.
  6. There must be a reason behind it. Do you have a checking and/or savings account? Do you have a job? Do you get paid more than 14k a year? Which credit card(s) are you trying to apply for? Any debts under your name?
  7. Praise The Lord!!!!

    Around 3 to 4 days It depends how fast USPS works in your area.
  8. Praise The Lord!!!!

    It happened sometime ago, but I don't think it is your case. Congrats!! And yes it is somewhat normal, give it a few hours and your DACA will change as well
  9. Exactly. Well put! Spending is investing, if we don't invest then companies go out of business and that would ruin the country. Either way like Calidreamer said, "don't bite more than you can chew".
  10. Sounds like you worship that person and while that's okay, it does not mean he is completely right. I would rather drive something I truly like, and not just go for a car just for the price and which might break within a few months. Also newer cars spend less gasoline with is nice and equals to less spending than getting a low end car. Just my two cents.
  11. Such a nice day!

    1. roadrunner11
    2. marco12
    3. Rawf


      It was completely sunny here, cold but sunny. Loved it!

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  12. Don't ever spend the limit, use 30 to 33% of the total limit or else you won't be getting much out of it and when possible, pay it in full every month. You credit score will increase really fast but it will decrease even faster if you aren't careful. Only spend what you can afford.
  13. My Name Is Marco Antonio

    To be a law enforcement you have to be a citizen. At least to be a police officer.
  14. Question About Banking!

    The history won't transfer itself, you have to contact all 3 mayor credit companies to have your credit score transferred from the ITIN to the Ssn. That process can take a month and if you owe money it will most likely show on your new credit history.
  15. I applied for the Discover IT credit card and it was a very new experience for me since I already have a few credit cards, it was the first time I was constantly called (at times I couldn't answer) and was requested to provide a copy of a document with my ssn in it. I provided a copy of my ssn card. The next day (today) I received a call in the afternoon and the lady on the phone asked if it was me who applied for the credit card and I said yes. Then she asked for my date of birth, and why I applied for it. I didn't want to go into details, I just said "Because I would like to have a Discover IT Credit Card" and she said, great! I will go over the agreements and perks of this card. After 2 to 3 minutes she read the agreement and perks I would have if accepted which includes the APR, Cash back, and so many other things. After she was done, she asked if I agreed with everything she said. I said yes, it all sounds pretty good. Even better when someone reads it to me! (knowing everything already since I read every single word when applying for a credit card). She said, alright "name here". Welcome to Discover! You've been approved. I checked my application status online and this is what shows up: The credit they gave me is of 4 digits and so far the biggest I have. She was extremely friendly! [Keep in mind I already have other credit cards, I do have a credit score.. but you can always apply. If they deny your application they WILL approve you for another similar one] Just make sure you answer when they call. Good luck!
  16. Very low ================================== So like I said before, I applied for a credit card.. in this case I decided to go for a Discover IT card. I applied and was told I would get a letter in the mail explaining the decision, last week I received such letter and they are asking for a W-2, or any document showing my ssn. I ignored the letter because I'm too lazy to do such things. Yesterday and today I received calls from Discover asking if it was me who applied for the credit card and I said yes it was me. A few mins later I get an email saying I need to send them a copy of my social security card and I could just do it online, I said great! Easy. I did that and now I have to wait another week to receive the final decision.
  17. There IS a slight chance it might pass.
  18. That probably came up just so they wouldn't be bombarded with discrimination. Who in the right mind would do such thing? The less we need right now is spend money on useless different designs. Treat everyone the same, why separate them between group?! It's the same country, same laws. At the end of the road we are all people who had background checks and we all passed and were accepted, I think that's more than enough proof we deserve to be treated equally. NC is taking it a little too far and we need to stand up and do something about this to protect our own future. Together can make a huge difference, no matter what the law is or how powerful they are. It's them against all of us..
  19. What's This?

    It is a very good thing
  20. License & IDs by State.

    Sounds like they are less strict over there in CA. Here I was asked for the bill for proof of residency even thought they already had the EAD in hand and to top it off, they also asked for the physical social security card.
  21. As it is shown in their documents.. passport, etc. If they don't know a ssn check unknown.