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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. Taxes

    It isn't fraud because I'm using my own name and a made up ssn, if you are using someone's else ssn and name then yes that is fraud. What is the difference between working with a fake ssn and doing taxes with an ITIN? No difference than working with a fake ssn and using your real one to file taxes.
  2. Social Security Administration

    I went by myself.
  3. This is false and has already been asked before.
  4. Taxes

    It isn't the SS Administration's job to notify the IRS. It is something you have to do on your own.
  5. Taxes

    I worked with a fake ssn and did my taxes using my real social security number. Was already approved the refunds and everything. And just FYI, you can no longer use the ITIN after obtaining a SSN. You have to send a letter to the IRS to rescind your ITIN asap.
  6. Si y tambien dicen que procesan las aplicaciones en el order recibido, y todos sabemos muy bien que eso no es cierto. El proceso comienza despues de tus biometrics, sabado, domindo y holidays no se cuentan tampoco.
  7. Solo has esperado 80 dias desde tu walk in en octubre 16, y 75 dias si cuentas desde octubre 23. Son menos de 3 meses. Hay personas que ya pasan de los 100+ dias y todavia esta esperando. Vas a tener que tener mucha paciencia Que clase de evidencia mandaste?
  8. Muchas personas estan esperando por Vermont, es el centro mas despacio trabaja de todos.
  9. Is This Enough Evidence?

    Send a copy of your HS ID, doesn't matter if it is expired. For the biometrics thou, not sure if that will work. Still think waiting a few more day to get your country ID is a better option.
  10. 70 Working Days & Counting...

    Surprised how CA has kind of slowed down, but your case is from OCT! O_o Do you have some kind of hidden background history?
  11. Is This Enough Evidence?

    Unfortunately the instructions does state that you have to send some type of identification, whether is your country identification card, a passport, college or high school ID. Your birth certificate has to be translated to English and certified by a public notary. Also when you go to do your biometrics (fingerprint and photo), you need some form of identification as well. It has to be current and not expired. Everything you mentioned sounds about right, send everything you have from 2007 to 2012 and proof that you were here on June 15th, 2012. Doesn't really have to be the exact date, it can be a day before or after. Personally I didn't send anything related to work because I used to work with a fake ssn, but in the application I did wrote down the fake ssn I was using to work with and I did not have a single issue because of it. Good luck and I would wait for your country identification card and then send everything together.
  12. Dreamers Sue to Stop Michigan From Denying DLs

    I'm not sure if this is possible, but they should gather many states and issue a lawsuit against states not giving IDs/Licenses.
  13. Im New/ Please Help Me ~

    Battery can be both a misdemeanor and a felony, I don't want to give misleading information. I would recommend visiting an attorney and you can always request a background check for around $5 to check if the battery charge shows in it.
  14. Sent Off My Evidence!

    You got it! Good luck
  15. Weekend was lame! So much snow! We had snow for the next 5 years, thank you very much! :)

    1. splif0clock


      now, that's what I call, ownage by mother nature. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    2. Rawf


      We will never see NEMO the same way anymore lol. It is so bad that instead of flowing, they have to completely remove the snow. It will take weeks to clean up all the streets! =/

    3. Rawf
  16. I have applied for FAFSA, waiting for results.
  17. Someone didn't read the instruction.. It does say not to use thing hard to dissasemble.
  18. Introduce Your Desktop!

    Are you seriously using linux?! Or just showing off?
  19. Everyone who doesn't have a timeline might want to make one now! http://adreamact.com/forum-0/announcement-2-timeline/
  20. Approved!

    You need a SSN to get hired anywhere, what is your timeline? http://adreamact.com/forum-0/announcement-2-timeline/
  21. Help!!!!! Licenses In Nc???

    Wow, I'm so sorry to hear NC joined Arizona. It's a shame.
  22. There is no exact time, usually within 4 to 6 months and that's after your DACA is approved. Mind posting your timeline?
  23. New Guy From Los Angeles

    Welcome Dream! Have you applied for the DACA? If there would you please give or add a timeline to your signature? Thank you.
  24. You are missing proof of 2012 (full year) and June 15th, 2012 when it was announced. Note: Please use the edit button, can't be merging your double posting all the time, Thank you.