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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. You can apply by yourself, no need to have an adult with you.
  2. Keep us up to date to see what they want from you. Don't panic.
  3. What does it says? I'm sorry.
  4. So I Got A R.f.e. Today -___-

    I thought every document needed your name and address, but in your case everything helps.
  5. Approved

    Congrats dude!
  6. Introduce Your Desktop!

    Windows 2000, xp, vista... Really?!
  7. Introduce Your Desktop!

    I don't want to see your windows 3.1 desktop anyways!
  8. Help Please!

    I'm positive it means that not all the information might show up since the system is pretty slow. There's nothing to worry about, it seems like your case still is in Initial Review.
  9. Help Please!

    Can you please specify where exactly is this message showing up?
  10. Oh wow, every state should do this. Same day!
  11. Girls Smoking

    Everyone who smokes smells of cigs, you probably can't because you are the one smoking. Plus cigs makes your sense of smell and taste all messed up.
  12. I Do Not Have A I-94, Help!!!

    It isn't yellow, it is greenish, sometimes blue, or white.
  13. Girls Smoking

    Seriously? LOL! Nobody in my social circle smokes and I'm very thankful for that. It is NOT worth being around someone that smokes and then being asked for a lighter because the smell is all over you now. yuck and yuck
  14. Girls Smoking

    I find girls that smoke on the streets very trashy, same with dudes. But it is their life and as long as they are far away from me I won't say anything, now if the air changes and I begin to smell it I report it. A lot of people get away with smoking in places they are not supposed to until reported.
  15. Question About Banking!

    You can if she was using a valid ITIN, if you used a fake ssn which I doubt you can do that to a bank, then no.
  16. So I Got A R.f.e. Today -___-

    So you didn't send the most important documents. You need proof from 2007 to 2012 with no gaps if possible. And June 15th is a must. The responses above are giving you very good choices. Hope you find the proof they request.
  17. Are you sure you aren't getting confused? There are two different tracking numbers, one for DACA and a second one for the EAD. It sounds like you have been approved Erik, congrats
  18. Read this on facebook, I think it is a good move. This is going to leave some US Citizens without a job, create more competition when getting a job.
  19. You're still a minor, why haven't your parents requested you in the first place? You need an identification to do your biometrics and it must show the same name that's on the letters you received in the mail.
  20. They would rather have you send honest documents, than lie to them. Don't worry about that, I'm sure they are aware most of us work using fake information.
  21. I Finally Got Approved!!!!

    So glad to hear people from the forum are getting approved! Congratulations Erika!
  22. How Did You Find Adreamact.com?

    LMAO! That had me laughing for a few minutes.
  23. There is nothing wrong with sending paystubs, I'm sure it shows up on our background history no matter what. But I personally, did not send any because of the fake ssn and second of all because they can track who is hiring illegal immigrants. I'm sure they will track big companies hiring illegal immigrants and hunt them down in the long run.