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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. Hi! I saw your message in the chat! Should of have chatted some more with us Welcome to the forum Afrosana.
  2. What I meant is the specific reason, I guess they don't care about it as long as you say it is for family emergency? Interesting.
  3. Credit Declined

    Store CC require you to have a good credit history, and to get a credit card at bank of america you have to have a credit established with them for years or you can try the secured credit card they offer which you have to pay $99 and you get a limit of 500 or less. You cannot apply online, it has to be at your local bank center.
  4. Hello From Rhode Island

    haha I thought I was the only one from RI!
  5. 2 Receipts In The Mail?

    It was probably a guess, since no one knows about it yet.
  6. 2 Receipts In The Mail?

    Yes, you have to renew your work permit every 2 years. They haven't announced if the renewal will have a fee.
  7. That sounds familiar, do you know the reason for traveling? There was another case but he is the husband of a US citizen.
  8. 2 Receipts In The Mail?

    I had with me the appointment and passport, that was all they requested. They also asked if we had school IDs and we both said no. We do have college IDs, but we also knew it wasn't required if you have a passport. I don't know why they ask for it.
  9. Graduate School As A Daca Recipient

    I have always wanted to be a pilot, unfortunately I have to be a permanent resident to be hired by an airline company. Even if they are domestic flights.
  10. Tax Credits

    No SRS, It will be like starting all over from zero.
  11. 2 Receipts In The Mail?

    If you received those letters, then your process has began. At least you know the package was sent. Use the case number on both of your letters to track the case online. Began as in they have your package and you just have to wait for the biometrics appointment, mine took a week or less that I can remember because the process was pretty recent and not a lot of people were applying at that time.
  12. Hello From Rhode Island

    I'm from Cranston City, very close to the YMCA.
  13. Happy Weekend Dreamers! Your day will come!

  14. Biometrics Appointment?

    International institute of ri do charge $100 for the service fee, which is for their own personal gain. I went there myself and then decided to do it on my own. Please let us know if you received the 2 receipts in the mail like Jose asked.
  15. Hello From Rhode Island

    WoW, I sure wasn't expecting someone else from RI! I'm also from Rhode Island Hugo! It is exciting to see someone from the same state Welcome to the forum! De que parte de RI eres?
  16. That is true Jay, you will be on the hands of whoever reviews your documents at the airport. Personally, I would only leave the US if it was a family emergency. But by all means, don't get discouraged. You can always consult with an immigration attorney to see which options you have.
  17. Solutions that make people return to their place of birth is extremely dangerous. For one, there's no guaranteed time that you will be returning right away. It can take months! Even a year and that's something they don't tell you. Second, a lot of people think because you live in the US you are rich which can lead to be robbed and/or killed. While this is a great opportunity, it is also risky and I don't think it is worth it.
  18. Who is still waiting for approval?

    Great way to start the year :-) congrats!
  19. Hello all.

    Welcome Magali, feel free to open a new topic :-) if you wish of course.
  20. You can fill your taxes with your new ssn. Can't do it with the ITIN or fake SSN anymore. Just keep in mind you will start over when you change your old ssn with the new one. You will still get money back.
  21. Everyone gets a different person to review our cases, it takes longer for certain people with common names. I was accepted 2 weeks before my sister! I had to keep the secret until she was approved, to prevent what you are currently going through.
  22. hello, new from Indy

    Welcome Cindy! Glad you introduced yourself to the community
  23. what's your new year resolution?

    My bestfriend lives in CA, we live in opposite corners! I want to go see her soon as well! Yes I have a best friend that is a girl.. so what.